Weekend Bash
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Clan Posts
This may have been brought up before but in case it hasn't i want to say that posts on clan threads should count towards your actual post count.
i don't know why they don't but if there is a genuinely good reason why not then that's ok.
but at the moment i have no idea why.
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They don't count anymore for the spam that tends to accumulate in clan board's threads, or at least in some of them. This is the reason that you'll hear everywhere and they most likely won't bring it back.

Still i think it's not fair considering that there are some really active members that post only on clan board, but they are "Junior members" because their post count is 0.

If it's a post count, posts should increase that number, even those on clan boards. Or we could call it "only certain post count".
Maybe have another sort of counter/data thing below Posts and Clan, saying something like Clan Posts: or CP:
or maybe even another thing on the profile thats the same as that
someway of keeping track of post count on clan boards would be nice
Actually, Thats a really good idea and it would also help with recruiting

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shitposts are prevalent on most, if not all clans and it can be used to post farm for the egotistics. the separate counter for clan posts feels unnecessary but i'm neutral on it.
Maybe if they set a word limit on clan boards, for example if the post is under 10 words then it isn't added to the post count and is counted as spam.
I don't want to over complicate my sentences because of a 10 word minimum. Anyway, It would be kind of nice to have a CP: post thing under your normal amount of posts. something that should be considered but not so significantly that it changes your post count. However, The devs made the forum the way it is after years of "testing". They know what would happen and probably wouldn't change it because of a few people being annoyed about it. In my eyes, being fourm active means being active in every forum. Not just the clan forums.
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They don't count towards posts because in clan boards all you pretty much do is spam, if they did people would probaly abuse it to make spamming threads to get their posts up aswell, this most likely wouldn't be considered as it has many more cons than pros. This therefore is a pretty useless suggestion to be completely honest with you.
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Originally Posted by Butler153 View Post
They don't count towards posts because in clan boards all you pretty much do is spam, if they did people would probaly abuse it to make spamming threads to get their posts up aswell, this most likely wouldn't be considered as it has many more cons than pros. This therefore is a pretty useless suggestion to be completely honest with you.

Does this also apply to clan boards of official clans? Because from my experience it doesnt. I can still raise my post count there
I've though about this, because, I like my post count, ;) but as a leader and owner of a clan also I wouldn't want shitty people faring posts on my board/turf, so yeah, Iż would rather accept the fact that my post count won't increase rather than having people spamming it up and shitposting anywhere.
Also, wouldn't itgive a bit of freedom for members to spam a bit from time to time and moderators to tolerate them more?
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