Original Post
HQ HEADS - everything for sale
Price - TC or USD only

You are welcome to preview these heads by downloading the image and trying them on in-game.
Please note that this does not give you the right to use any of these heads publicly, unless first purchased.


Mask // sold




Last edited by Deuteria; Dec 14, 2017 at 05:15 AM.
Bad watermark, just change that. Competent people will know how to get rid of the watermark.

And for the people who are asking for previews, refer to this text that Deuteria left:

You are welcome to preview these heads by downloading the image and trying them on in-game.
Please note that this does not give you the right to use any of these heads publicly, unless first purchased.

Last edited by KaZy; Dec 14, 2017 at 01:34 AM. Reason: asd