Original Post
User replay page
I find it rather tedious to pick through the Replays section, trying to find a specific user's latest replay. I'm sure you've all had this experience...
But there's still hope...

User replay pages! 2 possible formats to view a SPECIFIC user's uploaded replays!

Module/tab format:
-Able to scroll through replays using a little bar, click a replay's thumbnail* to view a demo** of that replay**2. Hover over a thumbnail* to view the upload name of that replay.

List/page format:
-View a list of replays by clicking a link located (anywhere) on a user's profile page.

*Uploaded replays could have custom thumbnails (must fit size or be cropped, preferably because thumbnails should be rather small to save space)

**If the site could be implemented with a player which reads .rpl files, that would be amazing. If not, please ignore this.

**2 It would be much more efficient than downloading the replays individually.


I know that making a player could be a lot of work, but if you do it little by little and take your time, it shouldn't be a stress.
You know on the Menu Tab, where it says View Replays and Add Replay? Why dont we put a My Replays?
been here for a decade, damn.
Well, If you don't want other replays other then your own when you start toribash, you can just go to the ToribashFolder<Replay<And then add/remove the replays you wish. But if you still want the default replays, I agree with this idea.
<Shmevin> This is starting to bug me... May I get a verdict please? <@SkulFuk> verdict: you're both bitch faggots