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Hand fractures and other body fractures
So after a long Argument about why fracs do NOT brake easily I thought of an idea. In game you can brake *cough* *cough* Frac *cough* your joints making them impossible to use correctly. well I thought of adding a new feature to the mix: Hand, foot and other body fractures. The way it would work is like so:

For hands:
-You hit your hand against the ground while trying to make a comeback in ABD with a lot of force
-Your hand fracs Turning blue
- you are now unable to grab the opponent
-any contact further with that hand to any object (weather it be yourself, the ground, or the opponent) will add 10* damg pts to the opposing persons damage score.

For Feet:
-Your falling from a considerable height and you land toe first on the ground
-your foot fracs turning blue
-any further contact with objects (like the hand frac) will cause you to sustain damage in the opponents favor adding 10* damg Pts for the score

*depending on the pressure and time of contact this number may change

For all other body parts:

it will just cause MORE damage to your body if the said part comes in contact with anything even light tap could add damage but the force required to "Frac" these body parts would have to be greater that the force required to Frac joints or this could be an option in the menu like it is for joints.

IDK this is just an idea that was floating in my head feel free to criticize/praise it and such.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
I like the idea but at the moment i can just think about point glitches. Sometimes certain parts of the tori pass through uke's ones (hands, feet) and through the floor, i think that calculate the points in those situatuons might be messy. Just think about Rfifan's record for the highest points with one hit: he kicks the pec so hard that a foot pass thorugh it and generates loads of points.

So, I don't know about all those frac possibilities, but i like hands' ones. Could definely be an option in gamerules.
Hands and feet take 0 damage, so there is an issue with takimg damage there

I do like the idea of taking more points when a joint is fractured, i guess it would make neck fracs a little less annoying too
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