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» ToriCraft « | A Community Minecraft Server for Toribash!

in partnership with...

Server IP: tb.mindservers.net

Welcome to the thread for the ToriCraft Minecraft server! The Minecraft community within Toribash is growing bigger and getting stronger every day, and now with the ToriCraft server, we can now all unite under the same trusty hard-drive! This server offers a variety of unique features that entice the new and the old crafters to continue mining to new depths. We also have an adequate amount of player slots and RAM to allow for a completely lag-free experience. In this thread I would urge you to share your experiences on the server. Post images, videos, ideas and anything else you can imagine. Invades are welcome as-well, so if you like Minecraft but don't have time to play, feel free to add your two cents anyways. The server is constructed off of a default beta 1.7.3 generated map. So go ahead and build to your heart's desire...

Fill out and post this app in the thread to be able to join the server.
~ Whitelist App ~

Minecraft Name:
Toribash Name:
Referral (If any):
Do you agree to follow the Server's Rules?:

Slots: 30
Plugins: WorldEdit, WorldGaurd, WorldBorder, RoyalAuth, 
Essentials, NoCheatPlus, bPermissions, CoreProtect, 
PlayerStatusSigns, Lockette, AutoWhitelist, Vault, Vote, Duel, obuShutTheHellUp
Version: Beta 1.7.3
Type: Team PvE
Goal: Survive together
World Size: 20,000x20,000
Location: Texas, USA
Server Cost: $20/Month



Administrators 1/1
MindStorm (MindStorm)
Moderators 2/4
Techno_Infinity (Creati0n)
Dr_Manta (Manta)
Members 55/∞
MindStorm (MindStorm)
Shaderade (Note)
Eatoon (Eatoon)
Tbear4653 (iNatural)
PowaNova (Kido)
kyouxd (Tyzi)
RoflBigMac (abyss)
alitlefish (fistoflife)
LOLxxGamer (Wizard03)
Trocher4 (Trocher3)
Djsteampunk (Jolt)
Guanabarinha (TORIITO)
Cybertomba2 (woof)
Mater5001 (Mater5001)
Gargon5 (duck)
Mudjad (Mudjad)
tobiasnmf (IceColor)
1Blazing1 (1Blazing1)
PerfectDeciet (Chilledon)
Samfinity_ (craftinbros)
TuffRough (F4R3)
Akitong (Kaito)
xxreddawnxx (Complexity)
yooodoodo (zwouter)
budsi2727 (Budsi)
YinkoTheBoss (Destram)
Manly_Potato (ManlyPotato)
Lopsin (Lopsin)
Hisoka (Hisoka)
Techno_Infinity (Creati0n)
Bambaklaa (Bambaklaa1234)
Goughy1210 (Goughy1210)
Dr_Manta (Manta)
DrHolo (Holo)
Meruem (Meruem)
StormBorn19 (ConCon19)
moneshot (moneshot)
coopcardone (RawrBomb)
Louie82Y (Seth93Z)
Dragonmechtech (EonXeon)
Killerviperavery (FoxBeck)
Pewsdstryr (Azure)
the_notch_of_cod (Clay)
experts (experts)
tehv2 (tehv2)
leb3ast (leb3ast)
tic (tictacky2)
ThePowerFuse (Wylde)
NyanBread (Illusion)
CJ55PUNK (-Demon)
Holomoron (nerfpls)
Mackeria (mackeria)
Sparkyau (Sparkyau)
DaRkHaXeR101 (DaRkHaXeR101)
mrkamikaz (mrkamikaz)

1. No Griefing
2. No Hacks or Mods
3. No Advertising other servers
4. No Constant Cursing
5. No Trolling/Flaming
6. No disrespecting staff or other players
7. No Racist or Sexist Remarks
8. No Full Caps Messages
9. Follow All Toribash Rules
10. Have fun

/spawn - teleport to the spawn of the server
/home - teleport to your previously set home
/sethome - set the location of your home
/tpa - ask someone to teleport to them
/tpahere - ask someone to teleport to you
/tpaccept - accept a teleport request
/tpdeny - deny a teleport request

/vote day - begin a vote for daytime
/vote sun - begin a vote for sunny weather
/vote yes - vote yes to whatever is being voted for
/vote no - vote no to whatever is being voted for

View more commands in-game with /help

Whitelist Application

Moderator Application

If you already own a Minecraft account

If you don't already own a Minecraft account

Date | Name | Length | Reason
Aug 3 | Notch | Perma-ban | Test ban

Q: I don't own Minecraft. Can I still play on the server?

Absolutely. The server runs in "Offline-mode" meaning that it's independant from Minecraft's login services. This means that anyone can use any name they want. The server is in offline-mode because it uses an old version of Minecraft (Beta 1.7.3) and the new login services don't support it anymore.

Q: Why is the server beta 1.7.3 rather than the newest version of Minecraft?

Good question. In reality the reason that the server is in beta 1.7.3 is because that's my favorite version and that's what I chose to develop. It's also in beta to allow for easier access of unpaid Minecraft accounts, and it's in beta because I have a software developed that allows me to run modern-day plugins with a beta client. I'm friends with the guy who licensed me that software, so this server is essentially beta testing it.

Q: How long does it take to be whitelisted?

Generally I'd like to say within 24hours, but seeing as whitelisting can sometimes be a complicated process it may take slightly longer.
When you are whitelisted you will be notified within this thread and/or added to the forum members list.

Q: How long does it take for a GM app to finish being reviewed?

We tend to discuss and compare GM apps for quite some time. Unless you're a sure choice, it will generally take a few weeks for us to completely analyze and review your skills.

Q: What if the server shuts down?

On the unlikely scenario that the server shuts down, entry fees will not be repaid. However, the map download as well as all the server files will be put up for public download incase someone else wants to revive the server.

Q: If nobody is online, how can I contact other players?

Join the ToriCraft skype group: Click here or friend themindstormman3141 manually to be added.
Last edited by MindStorm; Sep 23, 2014 at 03:49 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
Confirming gamemastership (is that the technical title?)

Looking forward to playing some MC with you all, bashing skeletons and riding pigs who steer horribly.
goodbye cruel world
Whitelisted Eatoon
Whitelisted ShadeRade (Once you login I will active your GM powers)
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
Awesome to see this finally up and running. Can't wait to join you guys and show off my building skills. Hopefully I still remember how to make things look sexy
Yes it will still work.
Just make sure that you download MagicLauncher's mac version.
I'd also suggest a mouse as macs can't right-click with the default trackpad (At least not mine anyways).

What's your MC name? I'll whitelist you.
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
MineCraft name: PowaNova
Toribash Name: Kido
Country: canada
i agree on servers rules.

MC GM APP: hello fellow tb people and mc player. my name is guillaume( translated by william in english) and i want to be one of your MC server gm.
I play minecraft from 2011 (i think) i was playing on a french server called minetall but it died. i was a GM in it, almost an admin but it died.
i dont remember clearly all the command and such, it does quite a long time i didnt play it. i'm a responsible person who want to
everyone have fun in the server and it be a calm place with alot of activities. For the TB experience, i play tb from 2010 on another account then i made this one. i'm kinda more active forum so if we got a forum for the server, i could be a staff member in it :P.

little bit of details about me: i'm a 16 years old teenager who love to game and i like to go school (weird isnt it?). i'm kinda fun to be with and i'm the kind of guy who like to do joke sometimes. annnnddd theres the opposite too, i can be very strict if needed and its rare it happen. i also liek to draw irl, i suck but i kinda enjoy it . i know how to play some guitar/bass and i'm the kind of student who dont have alot of friends in class and his a serious.
Last edited by Kido; Aug 5, 2014 at 04:51 AM.
no u

mc: kyouxd
tb: tyzi
country: us
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up