Weekend Bash
woah!! cool, cnc from my favorite replay maker

i'm sure getting my arm down faster would allow me to get more power when i raise it again for the kick (and look better). didn't consider that, thanks!

internet tells me all my grabs are weird, and i had a hard time understanding what it meant exactly. this helped a ton, and i'd imagine i can find more dms with less work this way. i worked on trying to get that last kick for a while, and being too close made it too hard like you said. crazy how you got that boom just for the sake of explaining it to me

thanks again for the cnc, i'll try to pump out some better replays soon : )
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

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#tyzi - big kill move.rpl (209.3 KB, 37 views)
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

not bad, love the split kick, for some reason that decap seemed lazy to my eyes, couldve been more elaborate, the leg grip was the only thing you could really do, but watching your legs while you grip it is just weird, defenitly the twitchiest part on the replay, pose was quite generic, which is not a bad thing, the problem with it is how you got on it, your right leg seems overcontracted and i think you could have done a step with that leg and made it look better by making a smoother transition to a pose
6/10 because the replay seemed too simple and nothing that impressive really happened
I love your opener so much, I personally love the style you bring into it :o That first kick was on point and looked awesome how to did it backwards and then how you followed it up with a quick decap was smooth. You could have maybe gotten more dms from the upper body but i'm not sure *shrugs*
great replay though and I can't wait to see more from you!
am sad tonight here u go
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

this board sucks!!
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

no it doesnt

hello tyzi
#tyzi - today i will float with the ghosts and scare people away:
so the opener was real smooth cool until 437, after that i noticed a few twitches changes of direction and a loss of a ton of speed that could've been easily avoided if you just flowed with the move that you already had instead of constantly changing it.
i liked that you used your arm to get your already lost momentum back but how you moved your arm after touching the ground didnt look too good because it clipped a little with your leg and overall wasnt pleasant to look at.
the next spin part was cool but you relaxed your knee which made it slightly contract then extend again right after which looked super ugly to me personally.
the launch you did with the other arm was really nicely done, good job.
after that you kinda contracted both knees suddenly and just stayed in the same position for the next like 50 frames which was kinda lame, i get it was for the kick but cmon man dont be a lame lame.
initial kick was super cool, i liked how you broke a part of the leg and arm in one kick, kicks that stretch across ukes body are always appealing to me, the sudden speed you managed to get was epico too.
you did shin kick though which is kinda lame :sadface:
grab was generic but the kick was cool and i liked the double-core.
next kick after that was awesome because you didnt actually grab for the kick, you sorta just launched and bam.
after kick until 119 was fine but you scraped your toes on the ground which ruined the transition to the pose for me.
you didnt relax the knee at 64 to get the foot flat on the ground and it made me really salty.
you should totally finish that skeet version of it and get the decap pls

was p cool repl post more idiot

also wait how the fuck can you make replays in -9.82 when i try to do that i end up floating away from uke and spinning around not doing what i want to actually do what the fuck
Last edited by tabby; Jun 5, 2018 at 01:45 AM.
here's an older one
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Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I like the movement overall though it was a little twitchy at times and the opener was a little generic. nice manipulation i loved that first elbow dm and all the boom hits after that were very nice to watch 7.5/10