Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Open Source Textures
So the deal is this.

You are still free to sell your textures but on this restriction (or this liberation depending on your view)...

1. You are to release your sourcefiles to your client.

2. Sources must be clear and easy to understand/recreatable if possible

3. The client can resell as long as the sourcefiles are also sent and proper credit is due

4. The client may also edit/improve the texture set as long as any updates are bubbled up/sent back to the original creator and credit for the updates are also included in any resell/redistribution

5. Derivations/adaptations MUST NOT BE RESTRICTED by the original author, and derivations based on OST's must also follow the preceeding rules.

This does not restrict the person from selling his work. This is not the FREE TEXTURE PROJECT. (that will be later)

I proposed this as a measure against texture theft cause if the sources can be easily traced, then we can easily find out who stole from whom.

and just because i can and i do...

So you mean like we send copies of our textures to some texture source bank?

And if i work in just one layer, then a .png would be ok right?

BTW, ur small font hurts my eyes
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
xD I like this idea...or is this already a rule? Either way it would be epic I think if there WAS a free texture bank. Like stock photography, nothing great, but a nice selection of mediocre things to use in larger projects. This would give those of us who are either inartistic, or poor, a good base to build a nice set.

If this go's anywhere I want to be involved I tried to make a free texture shop once, but it didn't work so well because I restricted myself to requests.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
It would'nt necessarily be FREE per se. Just OPEN. If someone wants to make edits to your texture then he must be BY ALL MEANS be able to acquire unrestricted access to both source files and/or methods to creating said files.

As for a source bank.. that is a good idea in theory... still mulling over the advantages/disadvantages of a source bank for textures. For one thing, it is going to be really REALLY huge in terms of undertaking and file storage. But, at least all designs can be easily tracked and traced.

A sideshot to this would be to tag textures with meta tags for author, type, design types, etc. That way you can IDEALLY claim ownership of your textures/design
Originally Posted by avwave View Post
It would'nt necessarily be FREE per se. Just OPEN. If someone wants to make edits to your texture then he must be BY ALL MEANS be able to acquire unrestricted access to both source files and/or methods to creating said files.

As for a source bank.. that is a good idea in theory... still mulling over the advantages/disadvantages of a source bank for textures. For one thing, it is going to be really REALLY huge in terms of undertaking and file storage. But, at least all designs can be easily tracked and traced.

A sideshot to this would be to tag textures with meta tags for author, type, design types, etc. That way you can IDEALLY claim ownership of your textures/design

lol especially since i'm doing 256x256=4x more and others are doing 512x512=16x more, and i know a few who go beyond that >.>

Tags...Like how iTunes adds the song info in each AAC file?

That would be awesome
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
It's more a way to prevent texture plagiarism, because this would allow each artist to put a tag of some sort on their textures saying "X made this". Textures can already be stolen, this is, by my understanding, a method to prevent plagiarism.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Ok ya I think i get it now, that'd be good then. No one has stolen mine, but i know someone else got banned for trying to re-sell texts he says that he didnt know he wasnt allowed to sell.