Original Post
Hi, I'm Boothand
Human male from Norway. Got Toribash a while ago but haven't really played it until a couple of days ago, apart from a few prior failed attempts with some friends at doing.. anything

Watching replays, tournaments, free running and realizing how dynamic and moddable this game is attracted me to Toribash.

I enjoy putting lemon pepper on toast, occasionally wear different colored socks, practicing HEMA (historical longsword) in a club with too few members to be effective, and study game programming at the moment, with many years of music in my backpocket.

Hopefully that gives an accurate picture of me. I hope to be part of the fun in-game and on these forums, and hopefully someone will be interested in some longsword duels when I've learned to stay on my feet

Whalecum to toribash
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Hi how are ya, Im woeb the cool guy of tb (Im as cool as hampa) lets be friends and welcom to TB! hope youll enjoy it here
Last edited by woeb; Dec 20, 2015 at 04:02 AM. Reason: cus i can