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[ART] Earth Collision w/ giant Comet Before&After (3D)
Heres a quick little thing i made in about an hour.

If you want you can leave some Cnc however i do know something that should look better.

Before (BIG)

After (Big)

It may not be the best, there are 100x better images of the Earth colliding with stuff but i think its worth looking at.
Don't make the earth and comet compleyely lit. The sun doesn't work like that :P

Don't really like the comet either tbf. Looks too grainy imo
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
I love you as an artist man but even a comet isn't completely round. They are just fast asteroids so they look like a potato shape as the rest of them. I think you should develop this personally. Anyways for an hour. gj
Anime United
That is true and i thought this while Making the picture, however making it shaped differently will mess with the texture which means i have to Change the projection mode to UV. If i can get enough tipps i will make a remake with all of your guys tips also thanks
Theres always the option of cleaning it up in photoshop
just viewed it... it lost so much quality when I posted it on imgur holy crap, it looks way better in ps I swur

Exhibit A

Last edited by Kirito; Mar 15, 2016 at 10:12 PM.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Originally Posted by iBravies View Post
I love you as an artist man but even a comet isn't completely round. They are just fast asteroids so they look like a potato shape as the rest of them. I think you should develop this personally. Anyways for an hour. gj

Disregarding the fact that this seems to be an entire planet instead of a comet (which are much smaller and chiefly made of ice), a comet that's nearly as big as earth would actually be nearly completely round, thanks to the effects of gravity. I mean, look at Mars, it's basically the same size. :v

That besides, there are a couple of things that bother me, partly as a fartist and partly as a former geology-student:

1: Earth's crust probably wouldn't crack up into neat unharmed chunks like that, especially not on that scale. The crust (which is the part that could feasibly crack and shatter), at its thickest, is still less than 2% of Earth's radius. On "our" human scale, it most certainly would crack and shatter, but from space it'd probably look like the comet smashed into a giant ball of semi-molten sand.

2: That dust behind the comet, how on Earth did it get there? It should probably rather be shooting out in a huge funnel shape that's centered on the impact.

possibly relevant doodle

But with that said, this is still pleasing to look at, so keep it up! I have a soft spot for planetary collisions. :v
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Of the light source is coming from the back of the comet, the comet should cast a shadow on earth.
I am not well versed on 3d picture
but something bothered me, if you can make the comet so round (although it shouldn't) but why the earth is sooo edgy?
i never recall that Earth has sides and edges
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you