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Custom Body Parts
Now don't shoot this down. I know that people have said this before but i would like to alter what some have said.... Anyways... Make only certain body parts be able to alter its shape just by a tad but still have the same hit box. I think it'd be very cool to have this idea just for the fact of more character variety. And if this doesn't work than my next idea was clothes but that seems like it wouldn't work for many reasons.
That is a really good idea, to improve it and make it easier I would say tat instead of the normal tori, there could be other pre set fighters. Lets say for example:
There could be a wooden fighter as in your avatar with customizable colours and joints and stuff
Some kind of shrak men? lol
I dont know, but there is something to come up to.
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
People would make their parts small, which could be hard to hit and annoying as hell. Texturing heads would be changed and a bit harder if they would be square or a cylinder-shaped head. Changing hands to spheres can be reachable by modding, but the texture would look weird too. Also, if you want to create a Mokujin playable character for Toribash, you better choose some other guy from Tekken that is available to texture.
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erm...i'm not exactly copying mokujin.And the body parts are unable to shrink/increase in size.And also there are things called experiments,if they get the texture drawing wrong, they can keep re-adjusting until it fits.
Bye bye toribash
Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post
I think there used to be a rule about not suggesting any changes to the tori.

Originally Posted by Gradeger View Post
Hey, does anyone read the rules anymore
This is on the list of things NOT TO SUGGEST

Originally Posted by karolk666 View Post
And yea, i think there is a rule against suggestions modifying the tori.

Where is this mystical things not to suggest rule located? I'll bet you all 20k tc that you can't find this rule anywhere on the forums right now.

Last time I checked, the suggestions board was revamped. And with the revamp, came a whole new set of rules, of which, say nothing about barring what can/cannot be suggested.

Back on topic:

While I would love to see this idea being implemented, I doubt it will even be considered by the devs at all.

Toribash is all about giving everyone a fair chance. A white belt stands a chance against a custom belt since, in most mods, both tori's are exactly the same.

Giving players the option to change what shapes their tori's are made out of might give certain advantages/disadvantages to other players which goes against the "core" of what Toribash stands for (equality).

Simply put: Cool idea, but it ain't gonna happen. At least not anytime soon...
"Fear not the Tori who has practiced 10,000 openers once, but fear the Tori who has practiced one opener 10,000 times."
Starting Stances and Size Editing
ok so I was playing MiniBash and found the tori editing option and found you could edit your starting stance and your height/weight.

I was thinking that this could be applied to Toribash also. so in the main menu there would be the tori editing option, where you can create a stance your Tori would start in on every server instead of the T formation, and change their size (with a limit of course) since everyone isn't the same. I think this would add more depth to the game in general
Too hot to handle
Everyone would have to be similar/equal in size and mass to not create a disadvantage for a player. But then if different mass/size could give your tori a distinct trait, eg small and/or light would mean you could move and react faster but your hits wouldn't score as high. And vice versa for large/heavy.

Although this might not work so well with mods such as aikido, where players could use a distinct body type to shovel ect with a higher success rate. Although in the long run, things like starters and farming would be difficult to control anyway.

No support. Messing with the tori itself shouldn't happen via multiplayer.
Well isn't it a disadvantage when a black belt faces a white belt in any mod? What I am saying is that there are disadvantages already and a size difference would just make it so more skill is needed to win, instead of randomly clicking joints and suddenly getting a dismember.
Too hot to handle
Originally Posted by FireKicks View Post
What I am saying is that there are disadvantages already and a size difference would just make it so more skill is needed to win, instead of randomly clicking joints and suddenly getting a dismember.

There is no disadvantage other than skill, body modifications would take the "disadvantage" to a whole new level.
Originally Posted by FireKicks View Post
randomly clicking joints and suddenly getting a dismember.

You are playing far too much judo.

The body modifications are the thing i hate the most about minibash.
you just make a massive unstoppable kicking machine that looks like a mutant space giraffe and win 70% of the time.

By the way, this has been suggested before lots and lots and lots

and lots of
