Originally Posted by 8VortexX8 View Post
Age: 17
Name: Ben
Belt: Black
Previous Clans: Legion [Left because of the inactivity of the leader and the clan]
Infraction(s):if none, put none) None.
Ban(s):if none, put none) None.
Alt(s):if none, put none) None.
Tell us about yourself: I'm just a guy from New Jersey that loves playing toribash, I also love playing FPS, classic games and Minecraft.
Why do you want to be a Marine?: I want to be a marine because I'm clanless now, and I think this clan looks active and good, And I just like to be with clan members.
Who requested you to join(If anyone did): No one.
BONUS!(This will help your app out better), Do you have a skype?If yes, give us the name)
What can you bring to the Marines?: Respect, a good amount of TC and a new friend.
Oath: I, 8VortexX8 understand that I am joining the Toribash Marines. I will obey my fellow members with higher authority over me. I understand that if I lose, I will be polite and say GG. I understand that if I have any problems that will make me inactive, I will PM a Major or General of the Marines. I am not a clan hopper, and will stay loyal to the Marines. I will fight at all cost and will not show no attitude toward any member in the

No, due to being a black belt. You have to be 2nd Dan black belt or above