Original Post
Biggest scandal you had at your school/workplace or anywhere
I'll start.

I had a math teacher who was in the school I attended to for a long time. I didn't really interact with him much other than a few questions, but those who did usually said nice things about him. They said how he was helpful, cheering and so on. Didn't really think much about him until a certain day when I was about to leave the classroom to go home. A teacher with a letter said that he was arrested for child abuse in the Philippines. 3 accounts of rape and 27 instances of sexual assaults. His target of victims were between 5 and 15 and would often pay double if the victim was 5, and had a shit ton of pictures that contained "3416 indecent images of children between 2008 to 2016 and possessing a further 2832 prohibited images when he was arrested in November last year"

I'm not making this up. This is literally on the BBC and other local news :

So yeah, my math teacher is a nonce and currently serving a very long time in prison but I'd doubt that he'd live his sentence regarding his age and common events where pedophiles and rapist are treated like trash (some are raped, beaten, mutilated or even killed. sometimes suicide is their only option).
[insert generic quotes from certain players]
one time some guy got killed right in front of our school cuz he stole a phone or something lmao we heard the gunshots and then had to go home
i dont even think they cleaned the blood or anything cause there were bloodstains on the ground afterwards

there was also this school event in the town square that i didnt go to, there was a shootout and a friend of mine got hit by a bullet she survived doe

and lastly there was another time a grenade was thrown into a police station thats near to us so we heard the explosion, i dont remember if we had to go home

maya did it
Some popular Instagram guy drove in front of our school and idled there while throwing money and his merch out his car. There was a huge crowd of students and the staff weren't really doing anything to prevent it. I'm pretty sure he had a gun too but I wasn't at the event itself so I can't really speak from actually seeing it. He was streaming all of it.
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
this is a vague memory, but here goes nothing.

a physics teacher at my high school was outed for having a full on relationship with a student.
i don't remember the exact ages, but i think he was in his 40s and she was 15.
i believe she kept on claiming they loved each other, and was later put in therapy for it.

also i'm really not sure of this but i vaguely remember that she wasn't the first.
alright guy
I read the posts here with the same text to speech voice in my head from those ask reddit videos


Edit: Thanks for the updoots and the Reddit gold kind strangers!
I was working construction in kitchener a while back there was a carbomb explosion at the courthouse not far from the site, was a suspected IED
fucking kitchener
Last edited by Goomba; Nov 5, 2020 at 04:15 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[🥒] x2 🥒x17

Yet Another Goomba Post/Thread
one of the PE teachers in my school has held onto his job by a thread for like 15 years now, he get really uncomfortably close with his female students, he's currently married to a past student in her 20s (he's in his 50s), screams abuse at children in his classes but recently it looks like he's actually going to lose his job over it so that's pretty good

also someone got stabbed with a pen in the bathrooms one time and that was kinda big too

my middle school was right next to a military base

one day a kid climbed over the fence and got shot in the head