I got bitten by a dog on my left calf; it was pretty deep LMAO dog almost bit a vein.

Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
i was in the semi finals of a local long jump bmx contest, fucked my launch and did the ole switcharoo on the ACL in feb 21' had surgery april 1st 21, was effectively cripple and couldnt leave my bed for a month, i also had nerve damage after the surgery and was in intense pain for 3 months before the nerves finally died, was treated pretty horribly by the medical system where im at, PT was garbage and i had to learn alot on my own and i didnt do nearly enough, my leg fell out on me in aug 21 and i retore the acl and then i went into a turbo depression till this past feb where i convinced myself to get another surgery, picked my doctors this time, and smooth sailing so far, my knee sounds like a bag of doritos and i cant run or jump yet but im mostly pain free and can walk now

my lifes goal is to get my legs looking like Mewtwo
Last edited by Kirito; Aug 21, 2022 at 04:44 AM.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
not my scariest injury but in 2018 i dislocated my knee doing this dance

once when I was a child I threw a bottle of alcohol on a barbecue (at that time alcohol was the ones that caught fire very easily, not like those nowadays that have more water than alcohol) And obviously the alcohol caught fire very quickly, got into the bottle and exploded in my arm. I started running with my arm on fire screaming desperately for about 40 seconds until my aunt showed up with a towel and put out the fire, but I had already burned badly, my arm was very red, swollen and painful for weeks, but by some miracle I didn't have any scars.
R.I.P Static
i'm living the most peaceful life it seems.
we were playing king of the hill outside, results - when I was falling from the hill, by accident i bit my bottom lips, and as soon as I fell on the ground, pressure applied, and I got my lips cut in like a half.
while playing soccer in elementary i fell, hit my mouth and it took off my whole front tooth. Thank god i have a prothesis now

ngl after that in the long term my teeth got so fucked up that i had to put braces on
Running away...
I once hit a wall while driving a motorcycle around 50 km/h, fortunately I only got bruises on my hands
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

When I was like 10 y/o I was chilling on rollerblades and fell face first on the corner of concrete strairs.. Not as bad as it could've been but the part that connected was right under my lower lip so I had a hole between mouth and lower lip. Only scar left at this point but it's a grim reminder.

Also I'm missing one shoulderblade but it's not exactly an insury, just a bi-product of a surgery lol.
My sister broke my clavicle when I was a child by throwing me off a slide
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.