Original Post
Add search bar to clan list
On the clans list there used to be a bar which allowed you to type in the name of a clan and it would show it, then randomly it was removed?

This feature was really useful for finding clans and meant you didn't need to spend ages scrolling up and down looking for the clan you want.
Originally Posted by sSLight View Post

What if i'm not on pc?

I support this, would definetly save a lot of time. Also i'd like to be able to search not only clan name, but tag too.
Originally Posted by sSLight View Post

not every clan is on the front page, you would need to go on every page and search for the name until its found.
If you're searching for a very concrete clan, you can do it googling it ._.

Examples here

You don't need a searchbar ._.
This would take some time out of the developer's day which can be sorted by either:
You not being lazy.
Clan list.
Crtl + F
You not being lazy.
You not being lazy.
Silver Elite Master. Fml.
Ele | Morals | JackMorris
Originally Posted by EJXIII View Post
This would take some time out of the developer's day which can be sorted by either:
You not being lazy.
Clan list.
Crtl + F
You not being lazy.
You not being lazy.

You are the one being lazy by not reading the entire thread.

As stated before this was previously a feature so I assume it would take little work to add it back.
As Nabi Studious is a business they should try make their website as user friendly as possible.
Originally Posted by PACKET View Post
You are the one being lazy by not reading the entire thread.

As stated before this was previously a feature so I assume it would take little work to add it back.
As Nabi Studious is a business they should try make their website as user friendly as possible.

yeah its not like they would have to rework the web sight or some shit
I be that fan for siscon, lolicon, any form of pixlepussy I can pooled my dick out and skeet on it buakky on they face
but you have search bar, its placing is not that great, but it exist, scroll to the very bottom.
Last edited by Scorpio; Jun 19, 2015 at 10:05 PM.
[01:03:10] <PACKET> scorp
[01:03:15] <PACKET> where are you seeing search bar
[01:03:21] <PACKET>
[01:03:56] <@Scorp> oh
[01:03:57] <@Scorp> lol
[01:04:15] <@Scorp>
[01:04:20] <@Scorp> gg toribash
[01:04:32] <PACKET> lol
[01:04:51] <PACKET> maybe cuz you got toriprime / the forum upgrade GMs get
[01:05:32] <@Scorp> maybe, though i don't recall it being on of the features
[01:05:48] <@Scorp> if that' the case, i'm idiot