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Actual clan banks
I think that clans should have real banks, instead of creating new accounts in place.

The TC/items stored would only be accessible by certain members or groups of the clan; Leader, Co-Leader, etc by new options on the main clan page where the member list is located. The members with access can administrate the bank according to certain access levels given, as depositing and withdrawing, while everyone else can only transfer TC/items to the bank.

Problems this would solve:
• Ex-Clan members with access to a bank, taking TC
• The process effort of creating shared banks and having to create alts would be reduced.
• Easier to accumulate any stolen or lost TC from clan bank issues.
• It would be fun and less risky. Clan events would be encouraged and more clans might find it more intriguing to spend TC.

Im very tired an brain stumped today. If you can't understand something I said, just let me know.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Accounts are used for shared banks because items can only be inside accounts. Doing it as suggested causes accidental work with revising things like the market and transaction histories which are all built around items being inside a user's inventory.

A lot of the features mentioned already exist but aren't used because the shared banking thingy does the same thing effectively.
Do you think that clan banks could be given the ability to hold items with any Qi? It's annoying to have to farm with the account just to be able to trade.
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Accounts are used for shared banks because items can only be inside accounts. Doing it as suggested causes accidental work with revising things like the market and transaction histories which are all built around items being inside a user's inventory.

I think the idea would be cool even if it didn't allow banks to hold items and only store tc. Would this bypass the problems you mentioned which I am too stupid to understand?
Last edited by Zelda; Feb 20, 2015 at 01:17 AM. Reason: Grammatical tense error
Good morning sweet princess
What do you mean by this;
Doing it as suggested causes accidental work with revising things like the market and transaction histories which are all built around items being inside a user's inventory.

As in stringing the transactions to the system?
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
If there is the problem that Fish said, why not to have the possibility to fix an account as a bank? I mean, every clan could have the possibility to give username and pass of the bank to an admin or clan mod, to fix an account as clan bank. There is a new place in clan board where the TC amount of the bank account is shown, as like his items.
The account earns the possibility to have high qi items. The other features would be what Link already said.

Once the clan doesn't want or want to change for some reason the clan bank, simply permaban the previous alt account, to delete his high qui, or permission to have any qi item.
So, only clan leaders or whoever is running the clan can access the Bank, and can distribute the goods when needed. I like this, but, what if the person(s) who can only access the bank to reveive and give are inactive for a long period of time. Would you just contact a GM? I still see same problem with that. Everything else is peachy doe. ^_^
Last edited by WeooWeoo; Feb 20, 2015 at 07:56 AM. Reason: Using wrong words like an idiot.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
So, only clan leaders or whoever is running the clan can access the Bank, and can distribute the goods when needed. I like this, but, what if the person(s) who can only access the bank to reveive and give are inactive for a long period of time. Would you just contact a GM? I still see same problem with that. Everything else is peachy doe. ^_^

Selected people is what I suggested. I was just listing examples, sorry.
Originally Posted by Link View Post
Selected people is what I suggested. I was just listing examples, sorry.

No, don't worry about it. Hue, now that I go back and read my paragraph, I edited it to change spellings, yet there's abour 3 others that I didn't even catch. Being on the forums at 1:00 in the morning can keep you from seeing these things.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
It's a good idea overall but I think this would help with the clan bank prizes for wars as well. I have never been able to figure out how that works. It would allow us to do prizes like tc and items without having to go through the hassle of logging into the other account and getting the item and then sending the item on that account. It's annoying and a waste of time especially because half of your members don't know that password meaning they have to get you to do it which is even more of hassle because that interrupts what you were doing, most of the time forcing off what you were doing so you could go into Toribash to sort it out because you get completely confused on what's happening because nobody will tell you info fast or accurate enough. Trust me, I've seen this firsthand. To be able to this on the fourm because you got a bank premade for you which auto syncs with the wars would be a send from the heavens. To counter you Weoo, if the leader/co-leaders are all in-active, you should already consider that clan dead. Plus, If your allowed accept and send wars, you should at least be able to control some prizes. That could mean a new feature to this branch of this idea. The leader can lock certain items so that people who can send and accept wars can use the unlocked prizes(Tc almost like a sum and locking and unlocking certain items) but they can't used locked ones. That would make some members don't go apeshit with prizes.
Sorry for the wall o' text. I just really like the idea .
*Supported with a steel beam*
Last edited by Qukslice; Feb 22, 2015 at 08:25 AM. Reason: I FORGOT A PIERIOD. OH MAH GAWD CALL 911(WUB WUB WUB WUB)
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