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Removing all items from market ;)
There should be option to remove all items from market.
check all->remove from market

because i have 300+ items on my market and i must remove it separately :/
Originally Posted by Beta View Post
I like this, it took forever to get that mass amount of glad and orc and music I had at one point to get on the market. :P (Same with getting the music off because I sold it to dropkick, took forever)

Putting multiple items on and taking multiple off would be great (Putting on would ofc have to be all the same price unless tb predicts it all xD)

Could always let you select multiple items and then put a price for each individual item on the next screen.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Items taking them in and out of the market
Hampa u should make it so that we can take more than one item out of the market at a time its to hard to remove them one by one
Proud Leader of Elite Strikers
There have been a few updates for the market:
- If you try buying an item from a user who is no longer able to trade, all their market items are automatically removed.
- You have an option to remove multiple items from the market.
- You can remove items from sets when they are on the market, but you cannot empty the set unless you take it off the market.
- You cannot put an item inside a set which is for sale on the market if you are not able to sell the item.