Original Post
[Not-For-Religious-People] Crucifixion mod
Ok, I reposted this mod. If you don't like it, leave and don't post comments like "Oh noes, you are satanist, burn in hell". This is just mod, so calm down, I believe in God etc... Ok...

Distance: 170
height: 135 - 140

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crucifixion.tbm (1.8 KB, 72 views)
Originally Posted by Kryk View Post
Ok, I reposted this mod. If you don't like it, leave and don't post comments like "Oh noes, you are satanist, burn in hell". This is just mod, so calm down, I believe in God etc... Ok...


I told him to do so.

If you continue to post useless comments, your post will be deleted and you will be given an infraction. It's just a mod. Nothing more.
yea, im religious, but i dont tkae it as offending. well kinda religious.... If you dont like teh mod..... dont do anything....... its cool though
"I'm Sander F@#$ing Cohen!"
~Sander Cohen~
Well thats kinda strange mod... Looks cool tho
<jacadventour69> Hold the line...
<dragonforcerocks11> love isn't always on time...
<jacadventour69> It's not in the words that you told me, girl
<dragonforcerocks11> im not a girl douche
With the price of his hands
<jacadventour69> Hold the line...
<dragonforcerocks11> love isn't always on time...
<jacadventour69> It's not in the words that you told me, girl
<dragonforcerocks11> im not a girl douche
This is a nice mod. The only way I think it would be offensive is if the cross was upside down.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
ermm... an upside-down cross is a christian symbol, called Paul's (or Peter's, i never remember which) cross, dood. cuz he was crucified upside-down.

anyways, good mod, looks cool, makes for epic replays, and it is different from just putting him in a wal; you can now put yourself somewhere that would be behind the wall, so you can use momentum in a different way

i'm an atheist, btw

too few people can see behind the cross, both metaphorically and technically

on a side note... the colours make it seem like a christmas mod... red and green cross, and the pole looks like a candy cane.
Last edited by Archlurps; Nov 24, 2007 at 11:17 PM.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
i find that funny lol
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