Original Post
Hey, Everyone.
Hey, guys. I'm new to Toribash, and I've been looking at the Toribash In-Game tutorials. I was wondering, if there was any other tutorials beside the ones in game. I wanted to drop by, and say hi, and other stuff. If anyone is kind enough to help me, and give me a 1-on-1 session, please PM me. Bai.

hi johnny. well, in youtube u may find some usefull tutorials but the best teacher is the experience if u really want to know. there is no a "video that will automatically improve you" but if u practise a lot you will become better than anyone . i could teach u but im not good enough for that
[Hunters] enter, if you ROCK
Welcome, I reckon the best tuts are on youtube because you can see everything thats happening instead of looking at screenshots so go have a look around youtube, Hope to see you around.
Stiil pretty Sexy, No longer Wittsy.

We've already talked, you won the "Grasp of the English Language" Award on IRC.


"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
Congrats LiteJohnny!
You've won the Grasp of the English Language Award!

Welcome to Toribash. I know you aren't going to an uneducated person with no common sense. Well, if you need any help, I am online most of the time, PM me for anything you need to know, or ask it here, in the Beginner Sanctuary. Remember to read the stickies on each section of the forum for following posting rules. Also, just keep practicing. A key to toribash is to understand how certain joints affect others, and so on. The more you play, the better you get. I suggest singleplayer for a while, but multiplayer is good.

Want to play some multiplayer?
Last edited by Slycooper; Sep 15, 2009 at 12:02 AM.
I will send you a aqua force litejohnny,have fun with it and btw welcome to our community,i hope you enjoy your stay here.
