Original Post
[DSC] Soldiers of Betrayal (SB)
Clan Story
-Once there was a group of men, who knew nothing but lies, they banded together to find the one truth, The meaning of life.

Clan Members

30 members, yet not sure how many are active still, let me know if you were a old member ill let you back in, I have the list written down =)
Until then though, we are back at just me >.>

Clan Ranks
-(L)Leader- Zellpheo
-(CL)Co Leader-

-Members, The ones not mentioned. ^.^


-[SB] Does not alliance with anyone!


-All lies lead to the truth

-Our aim as a clan is to grow as a community and to learn from each other, both in game and out.

-We are recruiting anyone who is active, skilled and friendly. We will accept all belts but you must prove yourself first.
-This is the app format, please follow or you will not be accepted.

-Time Zone
-How long you have been playing
-Recent clans
-Most importantly, Why do you want to join?

Anything else just ask, I will be happy to answer the best I can!
Last edited by Zellpheo; Nov 7, 2009 at 04:44 AM.

[BISH] | [TRG] | [Clanless] | [LLAMA] | [WL] | [SS]
.:: Azir Signature And Avvy Shop::.
Shook Made Dis ^]
i would like to join.
i am 3rd dan.

*edit*ty for letting me join.
Last edited by Nick96; Jun 28, 2009 at 12:55 AM.
oi, time to get active in forums, too - Prepare Toribash, for a Soldiers of Betrayal in your discussions.

*jumps in the other forums*
my name is Octavius and i would like to join soldiers of betrayal iam a blue belt with a 25487 rank
Ok nice to meet you, some to my server and i will be glad to give you a tryout, Good luck!
SuicideDo - Dorrie stands for
Damn Outrageous Reefer Ripping Instrument Extreme
*comes back tired*
oh my god, i underastimated that guys...

Ill stay near the dsc now ^^

Welcome nick - and good luck Octavius ;)