Original Post

Clan Story
A long time ago, there's a great country that have a Evil ruler named Skye, Skye was a once a young poor boy that had to live under a bridge, he's poor and dirty, but one thing came from him......a power, he had a power to Shapeshift, and kill everyone that had to mock him, and he kill the old king and become the new king.....One year later, someone send a group of fierce knight, legend of fighting, and the Sky Eagle, The X, to kill the Evil king, they won, but the king has a lot of evil friends and they run, Now we must Continue their path to end the evil group, we are the EX

Clan Aim
To be a Good Clan
To train newbies
To not be despise

PotatoFreak - Yellow belt - Main Leader (have a black belt acc)
Elettor - Brown belt - Co-Leader


antikilleh - Brown Belt


kidhampa - Blue Belt


Clan Rules
-No Flaming
-No Spamming
-No Farming
-Don't mock people
-Respect Clan Leader
-Be Active

Application-We Only Accept Blue Belts / Higher
Why should we accept you
(please make this a good one):
(your time in the world):
Fav Mod
(only official mod like: wushu, judo, etc):
Fighting style

Clan Bank
Currently 60tc
Last edited by PotatoFreak; Sep 3, 2009 at 01:56 PM.
Okay, at least plan your roster before you make it, the story is horrible, you haven't even completed 1 half of the roster and you don't even have the name of the leader down.
Look at the link, THEN make a clan.
Now, now alert242 thats no way to treat a new member.
But really man, you should probably look at the link then fix up your clan otherwise you won't be attracted any skilled members.
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
hello i am qwerty9564
i am blue belt and i play toribash and why should u exept me cause im a supportive clan member an i rule
Looks pretty organized, good luck.

Also, alert. You're using my old avvy. Nothing against it, I like it :3
master of the universe