this seems like fun,i'll get right on it !

*opens up gimp and puts on thinking cap*

edit : oh god <3, i got the arms and the head done and it's like sex for the eyes :O
Last edited by Bio; Sep 8, 2009 at 12:09 AM.
i've been wearing the textures that i do have with it,to ask some people how much they think it's worth,and from what i here,it's worth about 3x as much as your paying :/ so i'll put it on the textures approval thread,to see how much it's worth,if it's worth about 20k,i'll give it to you,if it's not,i'll auction it off :]

p.s. also, i only need the feet and i'll be done !

double edit : 3: well appearently people are being mean and saying "its plain" just because it doesn't have shading -.- when will those people learn that a set doesn't need shading for it to be good,
so if you want it for 20k,send the tc and i'll send the set :/
Last edited by Bio; Sep 8, 2009 at 02:47 AM.
also,you might want to offer more, then you might get some more sets done,becuase 20k isn't alot for a set, and also, i like that set to much <3 sorry man,but i'm just gonna keep it....