Original Post
Howdy, im rustd
So im completely new to the toribash scene, i just happened upon while on some outlandish journey through the internet, bouncing from link to link, onto a sort of....blogish place, where there was a link about toribash and how it was going to the wii.

I hate the wii, but the video was just to badass to pass up at least a look.
I tryed it out, found it complex and hard, but saw the potential for kickass'ness and fun, and was immediatly hooked.

So, here i am, trying (typically failing) at becoming good at this game.

Thats how i got here.
Im a chilled out guy at the fantastic age of 18, and ive got long lucious loc's of hair and a beard when its not shaven.
(that was redundant o_o and yet i decided to just write this instead of deleting it...)

TL,DR version
hello everyone, its great to be here.
Last edited by Rustd; Sep 7, 2009 at 06:56 AM.
Hey there bro, welcome.

you will get the hang of it sooner or later, you didn't give up instantly, so thats a nice start ;)
