Original Post
[Req] Egyptian God II 200,000
Greetings Toribash Community..

I am in demand of a texture set. I have made texture sets in my preceding years, but would rather someone else create one for me.

There are a set of elements that are mandatory in order for you to get your payment. Robots, tribals, glossy, freestyle, et cetera seemed to be popularized by texture makers. If you are unable to make anything outside of those boundaries then you are welcome to venture other threads. The elements in which I desire are to fall under the category of "Egyptian Gods." The texture set doesn't necessarily have to be a god. Instances such as Ra, Anubis, Osiris, Mummy, Mumm Ra are particularly superior among other choices.

Your payment for doing this will be 200,000 toricredits. If I feel that the job was overdone then I will award you with a more satisfactory gift.

I appreciate the following attempts by the participating texture artists.

Last edited by Eckz; Oct 11, 2009 at 11:37 PM.
Yo, Eckz. Have you thought of posting this in the TTM board as well?
I am sure you will get a good discussion over there.

I hate sets, but i'll give it a go. Maybe i'll be able to try NutHug's set after once my skills have resharpened.

How long are you willing to wait?

Also, what mod do you usually play on servers? (helps pick appropriate god)
Last edited by Monobi; Oct 11, 2009 at 11:55 PM.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
The colors can be anything - not necessarily joint colors. Whatever works for you and looks the best.
I haven't been making textures for months, but i have been lately doing some arts, so I'll give it a go.
Texturing tutorial
No requests please
If you were trying for Ra, when seems apparent by the beak, you should maybe look at some pictures.

If you do anything other than a mummy then I would prefer that there be no tape on the head--anywhere else is fine. The texture looks really awesome though, but I am curious what you would be able to do without the tape. I know you make good textures, you've made me a set before. The detail seems incredible, I like the blue eyes. Also, whats the black spaces at the top for? If you have no idea what Ra I am referencing from, then: Ra.

Also, 360° views are better for me as a viewer to make a valid personal opinion on this.
