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How do I gain enough velocity?
As I watch the clips on youtube and see these Toribash players flying around like ninjas, I wonder what they do to gain enough velocity to be able to pull off the tricks they do. Does anybody know how they are able to do that? Is there some trick or technic that us newbies can practice to learn how to do that?

Please help- TF
I try to kick off of the ground, or If I'm grabbing my opponent, then I use every joint to rotate into the punch/kick. It's all about the position you're in.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

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Well thats easy, if u are moving <<<<<<<< this way, u need to push with a limb >>>>>> , also keep other parts out of the way, xtending pec on the front and raising hand the back also works anyway, it depends on how u are placed.

relaxed parts may help u gain some speed too, because they will just flow with a move
Use your chest and Lumbar to gain extra velocity, when you have a grip on them, if you want to go down with some speed, raise your shoulder, then the oposite if you wanna go up.
I doubt that getting velocity would be easy if you're being grabbed the whole round
and don't tense your joints too much, they might break off , srsly
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