Original Post
Can my set be appraised?
Hellow my fellow texturists,I would like ask from your know organization to tell me a fair price for this set.
Thank you in advance.

Your messed up world enthrills me
Yeah not really into it. But, I'll be a bit more generous.
Shin-Ryuu's BanGoat
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Yet still raped.
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"Ehh, I'm sorry. I'm just being a dick."
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
dont like it

May you state why?I'm pretty sure you have some criticism that's not said.
Your messed up world enthrills me
well yeah, i do...
blurred lines, if ur gna do robotic, keep it clean and destinctive...
the colours are crap, toned down yellow and a peach pink? urgh, horrible

designs arent great, and theyr off centre slightly, enough for me to notice, which irritates me...
the design needs more substance, youve gone for the robotic look, but theres nothing functional about it, its just random spaces of colour and pannels and stuff...

theres just nothing to this set, youve drawn it, thats all, if u dont want to use effects, then the design should be excellent, which it isnt.

in general, more work is needed all over
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Pros: Not chunky.

Cons: Well the blur. While it shouldn't be all sharp either (for robotics, so you have depth), being all blurred is no better.
The colors aren't too great of a choice.
The design seems random.

I'd say about 40k.

Well...since $1 only buys 5k now... 20-25k.
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