Original Post
The Flingo strikes back! Or well.. He tries.
Hi there. Here are some of my moves, I'm not as good as all you other guys with your crazy boomhits and such, but here is two of my best replays

Do not try to be gentle with the judging, I want the truth
Attached Files
Epic speed.rpl (181.2 KB, 18 views)
Kick Punch Punch.rpl (128.4 KB, 14 views)
Im a brown belt -.-

And to prove that, I made some more replays.

Feel free to judge!
Attached Files
Crazy hits.rpl (147.0 KB, 11 views)
Limps everywhere!.rpl (139.6 KB, 10 views)
i dont like them but i may as well give critique.
all ur replays (or most of them) are all holding, and they are laggy, and stiff and slow so try being relaxed and more fluid, and i belive he called you a begginer for the way you move.
^ Yup. I'm a brown belt too, but I don't think (I hope) that I move like that. You still use beginner moves too, so try experimenting a little. That's how all replays are made. Good luck.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

yes, here in replays how much of a beginner you r is determined by how good u r at replays.ur still in the stiff in really stifff.u HAVE TO RELAX!!! i almost nevar hold.and i hear some people enjoy my replays.and its better to be farther away from uke cus ull be able to build up momentum.

ps. in my eyes (this is just me) brown belt is still kinda beginner.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Well, brown belt means you played 500 or more games online. That has nothing to do with singleplayer epicness. I am hardly a brown belt too, singleplayer consumed a lot of my time. So because I focus on singleplayer, my belt is low, but skill is higher than most black belts.

As for the replays: Stiff and slow. Also if your hits don't do what you want them to, edit them so that they do. Then it looks less like flailing and grabhumping. It improves replay making. Also try to hit a joint directly for the optimal power. Adjust glutes, pecs, chest, lumbar and stuff to aim. It's not just the power that benefits from the aim, a very direct hit with visible knockback looks better than a hit were you just hit it and nothing happens but a dismember. I have an edit were your first hit in crazy hits is better aimed and a very easy follow up. It's not a good replay, but more of an example how a hit should be aimed.

So in short:
- Use every joint, it helps.
- Work on speed
- Work on relax
- Aim for direct hits.
- Edit failures.
Attached Files
F10Flingo - Easy Edit.rpl (22.1 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Meamme0; Dec 17, 2009 at 02:15 PM.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Forgot the edit, it's there now. And finally a new bro that doesn't go raging when he gets advice
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash