Original Post
An offer of friendship
As a member of the mighty Torigods, I feel that it would be in the best interest of our clan, as well as your own for a pact of friendship to be extended. It is time enough that the strong, superior clans unite in an alliance, against these lowely zerg gangs. Please be advised that this is not a demand, but it is a one-time offer. I'm afraid if you deny us this time, we wont soon be coming back to once again offer our hand. Thanks you.

Juntalis, a.k.a. "The Brick Wall"
Re: An offer of friendship
I accept, as long as you kinda simplify that so I'm sure of exactly what it is you offer to do ;)
Re: An offer of friendship
so we're allied with torigod, now? cool

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do