Original Post
[Auction] Anime Zombie Head
Auctioning an Anime Zombie Head


Starting Bid: 1k
Minimum Raise: 500 tc
AutoBuy: 10k

End Date: A week from now (Monday)

So Bid bid bid :3

I got the head in layers so just ask any questions if you want something to be changed in the head like a move in the blood or something do-able with the layers
Last edited by Julespino; Jan 18, 2010 at 12:01 PM.
I think is a Chris based head... Am I right? Well, his total my buddy, so 2.5k here ^^

Your head inspired me to put the blood splatter :v but everything else i didnt copy :3

But i guess from a point of view it could be a chris based head
Last edited by Julespino; Jan 18, 2010 at 09:45 AM.