Original Post
Rare/Collectors Items
The majority of this list was taken from Lebo and revised by me. If you see your name of this list and it's listed wrong just post with the format at the bottom of this post. That also includes if your name isn't on the list where it should be

List of Collectors Items
Green= selling, red= not for sale, blue= no info available
-Hector Relax -

-Toriburger -
Gubbin, KiTFoX, Modius
-Eriol Icecream -
kingcumber, vermine, Lapsus, B0bah
-Scotch Tape -
KiTFoX, Steve
-Blood Vodka -
Rai. hebrewhamr, nPocToCawa, Dez, Aspire, Onamist, B0bah
-Toribeer -
hanz0,hebrewhamr, DarkJak, B0bah(2)
-Pet rock -
Sprooj, B0bah(2)
-Highland Tomatoes -
Lapsus x2, Megadoomer
-Lighter -
hebrewhamr x3,npoctocawa, Lapsus, TheAnimal
-Marlboro Lights -
Delaid, lambada, Rai, Wildslash, Aspire, Katzen, nPocToCawa, Onamist
-Master siku's Piano -
-Master siku's Piano(replica) -
KiTFoX x3, Gubbin,
-Ash switch -
-The Controller -
hanz0, marcus, Pacman, GenkiSudo, Gwie
-hampa's knife -
Lapsus x4
-Promomon Card -
-Art of war items -
-Void secondary gradient deprecated -
Novi, Kenny+ 23 others
-Demon Left Foot -
-Body Texture-
Hopeman2, reekondub, Oyster, DarkHunt, Katzen,
dethreaper, qq5ben, neoline
-"Test" item-
Reekondub, skura
-Pimp Pack-
-Pure Pack
b0bah, suomynona
-Elf Pack
missue, b0bah, samopal
-Demon Pack-


-Void Pack-

I've also added some of the high end packs at the bottom, because Nabi is no longer selling these.


Proof:[transhistory etc]
For sale:

Last edited by ravenger; Jun 29, 2010 at 04:24 PM.
Name: I don't know who has it
Item: Orc pack(if elf pack and pure are up there, orc should too)
Proof: N/A

Skulfuk in person said these are collectors items:

Name: me+a few others
Item: a test item
somewhere lying in there ^

Name: me +a few others
Item: Body texture(kinda like deprecated void grad, not in use anymore)
Proof: again, somewhere in my inventory, either in the collectables set or outside not in any set :|

Please do not infract me for this, I think this is the correct format... and the orc pack is just a suggestion, but the two on the bottom are true ;]

And, btw, Novi for the void grad is now brainstorm, since novi quit :"(
Originally Posted by reekondub View Post
Name: I don't know who has it
Item: Orc pack(if elf pack and pure are up there, orc should too)
Proof: N/A

Skulfuk in person said these are collectors items:

Name: me+a few others
Item: a test item
somewhere lying in there ^

Name: me +a few others
Item: Body texture(kinda like deprecated void grad, not in use anymore)
Proof: again, somewhere in my inventory, either in the collectables set or outside not in any set :|

Please do not infract me for this, I think this is the correct format... and the orc pack is just a suggestion, but the two on the bottom are true ;]

And, btw, Novi for the void grad is now brainstorm, since novi quit :"(

Thank you for this post, this is just about the correct format. Any additional information to go along with the format is appricated. I'll update later but I am on my mobile ATM.
Thank you, and i just thought of this; maybe this is another collectors item or a broken item...:

Name: Many(i know alan has one)
Item: Flame (forged by on for the) unknown invisible flame
Proof: I dont really have proof, but look at alan's inv, he has one

and this one is void pack and alph imp pack:

I think it is even more rare than pure and elf pack, since void pack was only issued in the promos which are no more, and one issue earlier in the dark angel pack(void pack, nova pack+250k)

And alpha imperial pack, it could most likely only be obtained through USD, and that is not possible anymore, since no more promos.

Excuse me for my incorrect format this time, I just had to go more in detail than before :|
Originally Posted by reekondub View Post
Thank you, and i just thought of this; maybe this is another collectors item or a broken item...:

Name: Many(i know alan has one)
Item: Flame (forged by on for the) unknown invisible flame
Proof: I dont really have proof, but look at alan's inv, he has one

and this one is void pack and alph imp pack:

I think it is even more rare than pure and elf pack, since void pack was only issued in the promos which are no more, and one issue earlier in the dark angel pack(void pack, nova pack+250k)

And alpha imperial pack, it could most likely only be obtained through USD, and that is not possible anymore, since no more promos.

Excuse me for my incorrect format this time, I just had to go more in detail than before :|

Alan doesn't have it anymore.... Sold it 2 Lord2Death..

here is proof

I didn't post in format cause i just wanna correct Reekon don't infract me plz D: i will delete post if needed

Originally Posted by kelvin2 View Post
Alan doesn't have it anymore.... Sold it 2 Lord2Death..

here is proof

I didn't post in format cause i just wanna correct Reekon don't infract me plz D: i will delete post if needed

Does my flame

count as a collector item?
We are not sure. Steve once said that those flames are just a glitch and that it happened when flames were sold from a youshop. But then some other mod or admin said that it was a collector's item. So i am not sure, but ravenger might know, just wait until he views this thread
Those types of flames can be made several ways via glitches in the system. There are few out there that were made in the very begining of flame testing and had their data stripped iirc. I'll just create 2 categories "true" blank flames and "glitched" blank flames. True would require proof of it's authienticy or w/e.
Item: Elf pack and Ivory Pack
Proof: can someone link me to my inv.
Last edited by Ace120; Jan 27, 2010 at 07:07 AM.
Chilling. Rip Urban unit