Original Post
hey there. I was thinking, eventually. when I get more experienced I would make a clan. but for now I was wondering if anyone had any good name ideas, or even the type of set-up the DSC should have. yes, I've already read the stickies in the clan discussion, so there is no need to spam here telling me to do so.

generally, for the clan, the only though I have had in my mind is "the clan mod needs to be wushu" for the simple fact that I am obsessed with that gamemode. (I mean, what's not to like?) alas, that's all for now. please post any suggestions you have for me.
- Don't let just anyone in your clan. If it takes something more than an application to get in, more experienced players will respect your clan.
-Make it unique. Nobody wants to join a clan with a bland name, and a bland DSC. Get personal with it. Check out some popular clan DSCs. Dont copy them, but use them as templates.
-Don't go it alone. Find a good partner, who you trust with your clan. It's hard to manage alone. Chances are, your clan will die.
-The clan mod? Creating a clan based off of a specific mod doesn't sound all that smart. Your clan needs diversity.

As for names go, choose something that reflects your clan, or you.
Can't help you much there.

Anyways, I hope this bit of information helps you out.
Good look in your future endeavors.
Originally Posted by jxc1013 View Post
- Don't let just anyone in your clan. If it takes something more than an application to get in, more experienced players will respect your clan.
-Make it unique. Nobody wants to join a clan with a bland name, and a bland DSC. Get personal with it. Check out some popular clan DSCs. Dont copy them, but use them as templates.
-Don't go it alone. Find a good partner, who you trust with your clan. It's hard to manage alone. Chances are, your clan will die.
-The clan mod? Creating a clan based off of a specific mod doesn't sound all that smart. Your clan needs diversity.

As for names go, choose something that reflects your clan, or you.
Can't help you much there.

Anyways, I hope this bit of information helps you out.
Good look in your future endeavors.

thanks for those tips.
though, about the clan mod. I noticed some official clans play more of one mod than another, yet they are respected. and, I still can't come up with any kind of name.
in toribash, there arent mod specific playing clans but there are orgs like that, as in the wushu legue.maybe if you really want a mod specific group maybe start an org?
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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If you wan't a name suggestion

think of a clan name that maybe you like in life

example your really unknown so much in some places

clan unknown was made by sebaa

example you get slapped everyday

tyler made a clan slap

maybe you like jumping

why not make a clan named Jump

it maybe what the leader/s like or so


try naming it whats your hobbie

example if you like clam collecting try making a clan named

1. You're Clan name should match your theme. Since you are focused in wushu, something like WushuGods[WG], or w/e you like
2. If you start out with 3 people or less, I suggest scouting people and not being too uptight, but keeping you standers when it comes to recruitment
3.You should have a good DSC complete with good Grammar. And adding images to it to make it look pretty, Is always a good idea. Just keep the fonts small, and a dark color.

Basically, keep your clan clean an neat. And don't give up, unless it look like you will never get official. If you make a nice, simple DSC, And recruit mature members, you will become official in no time.

Good luck ahead of time.
| Former 10th Dan |
I can help you with your clan if you want. Ive been looking for a clan too. I will deffenetly help if needed. Pm me though, if we keep going like this i will get in trouble for off topicness, yes i just made topicness a word, ill go call webster!
''When Life Gives You Lemons, You Make Beef Stew''
,Andy Milinocas
If not cleared with fee try this, CLICK

if not working here:

1. Your clan's topic should be informative and welcoming, if you want it to go anywhere. Overuse of smilies isn't allowed. 3 at most.

2. Do not start your own clan's poll. Polls are over and done with.

3. Be respectful of each other, no flaming, etc etc. You've heard it all before. If you're being too harsh, I'll ask/tell you to stop. If you won't stop flaming, I'll deny your access to Clan Discussion. It won't be tolerated.

4. Necromancy is now allowed, but you must submit a formal application of reinstatement before I decide to revive it.

5. If you're going to make a topic, it's either a [DSC] about your clan, or something that's generally useful. Anything without a purpose will be deleted for organizational purposes.

6. If your clan looks to be inactive, a warning will be posted on your forum. If you or a fellow clan member don't/doesn't answer it within a week, your clan is considered "dead" and will be removed.

7. No more buying and selling clan leadership. Too likely to just end up with an entirely new clan getting a board without going through the process.

Rules are subject to change.