Original Post

Clan Story
There was a boy named Demie that was none as a non Tori and always wanted to be one and it wasnt only him that was from a different Universe there was thousands.Only people that were from earth were known as a true tori and us are fighting to get uor name back for who we are.

Clan News
1.Recruiting know
2.New member
3.Credor if he dont post bye saturday you are gonna be kicked

Clan Aim
1.To become official
2.To get 4 members and more

Clan Tag

Clan Rules
1.No CurSing
2.Proper Grammer
3.No Flamming
4.No Double Posting
5.No Double Clanning
6.No Recruiting unless you 2nD Dan and up
7.No Alliencing with clan unless your a ldr
8.Tell me what your belt is when it is higher
9.Post every week.
10.If you dont do number 9 in a month you get kicked
11.Must give tc back if you borrowed in atleast a month

Clan Bank


Want to Borrow Tc
2.Why you need it:
3.Will you Give the tc back:
4.When you"ll give tc back:

Kicked Members

Wanna Kick someone
1.Name of person
2.What did they do
3.What would you grade that you put #2[1/2]
4.Link or screenshot what they have done

We will grade if he should be kicked on saying yes or no

5.Who invited you:
6.Will you post on here
7.What you can bring to the clan(Tc,Textures,ect.)

Application for Allies
1.Name of clan
2.Why want to Allie with us
3.Who are the Ldrs

1.Demie3rD Dan
2.Credor 2nD Dan (inactive)
3.BnB1491 3rD Dan

1.MrAries2nD Dan


Allies:[In] [Eplison]

Application for Allies
1.Name of clan
2.Why want to Allie with us
3.Who are the Ldrs

Clan Wars

Clan War app.
1.Clan name
2.Time zone
3.Friendly/Enemie war
Last edited by Demie; Feb 16, 2010 at 12:29 AM.

Yeah, You don't have to do this, but centering you text in your [DSC] might make it eaiser to read. I don't believe your missing anything. So just good luck Demie.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم