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[Tutorial]Photoshop Glowing Eyes for Your Head!
Hello all, this is Tarektarek and this is my tutorial on how to make glowing eyes for your head texture :)!

Step 1: Open Photoshop and choose the size you would like (I will choose 512x512)

56k Warning!

Step 2: Color out the background with the paint bucket tool (I will choose a dark color) and then create a new layer called "Eyes".

Step 3: Draw out one eye with the "Freeform Pentool"
and to get this tool you have to right click on the pen tool and choose Freeform Pentool.

Step 4: Enter the paths tab and then right click on the path and select stroke. The settings for the brush should be 1px, also the color should be a light red color.

Step 5: Fill the eye with red (regular red). When you are done filling it in and coloring out the "messed up" bit then click ctrl+click on the "eyes" layer and press ctrl+c (for copy) to copy the eye and press ctrl+v (to paste the eye.) Notice that it creates a new layer.

Step 6: Unfortunatley there is no flip tool in Photoshop so you will have to flip the eye like this:

Step 7: After that, merge layer 1 down by right clicking the layer and clicking merge down.

Step 8: Now to make it glow (yeh babeh). First off you have to click on your layer until a box comes up (or you could right click on the layer and press Blending Options).

Step 9: Check the tab called Outer Glow and then enter the tab and you will see these functions, set the functions to the amount I will tell you now:

Opacity 100%
Noise 0%
Spread 0%
Size 40px

Step 10: This is the final step (yeyz, it is optional!). If you want to make your eyes more detailed and shaded you must select Innershadow and enter the tab and apply the settings to this:

Distance 0%
Choke 0%
Size 13 px

Ok, that is all hope you enjoyed the tutorial!


Sorry for the image and step 4 :(.
Last edited by tarektarek; Feb 28, 2010 at 05:32 PM.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
Originally Posted by ShiftV3 View Post
good tut dude :3

Thank you, Shift.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
Nice tutorial. The inner shadow compliments it.

If enough people want me to, I'll make a GIMP version.
Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
Nice tutorial. The inner shadow compliments it.

If enough people want me to, I'll make a GIMP version.

I think that is a very good idea, go for it!
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.