Original Post
Arielrulez banend???
hi mates and members i saw today b4 a minute that arielrulez is "non-existing" soo idk i liked him much played a whole night up to the morning with him lol and he gaved me much tcs for free to :P
anyway i hope and know that he make a new account so wehn u ever read this ariel than pm me ot post any stuff here with ure new account
and i also want to know why he was banned if anyone know it :P

EDIT:sorry for the word banend lol....of cours i mean banned
CO-Leader of
ya alaso when u get banned u can play some days ingame i was one time banned too and had played ingmae few days :P
CO-Leader of
lol dont worry im still here XD an d wont get banned for thet long XD anyways im on today if someone wanna play XD