Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Going for a wall of text here.

Censorship is one of the reasons I hate society. Fundamentalist freaks who say evil rock music and videogames corrupt the minds of our innocent children, then get everything they happen to not like banned or flagged as taboo, under the ruse of "concerned parents". Makes me sick really. I believe the only reason censorship exists as prominently as it does is due to a lack of parent-child communication.

For example, say your child was at the music store for an hour or so with his/her friends, then comes back with "Marshal Mathers LP". Of course, I LOVE Eminem so I'd be more forgiving, but this is how I'd handle it.

*sits down with child*
Ok, so you went out and bought this. Why? What does it mean to? What do you see in it? And hears why I don't like it (in my case it's "and here's why I'm concerned about it.) It's as easy as that. That way your not reinforcing the idea that "Daddys mean and Daddy doesn't understand and Daddys a fascist he took my music away." Your showing the kid your not just being a dick about it.

With videogames, same thing...

That's my thoughts. Discuss.
Last edited by Eureka; Apr 23, 2010 at 05:23 PM.
[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks
Shady ftw, btw.

I see where your coming from. The thing is, the parents aren't always that involved in the lives of the children. Back in the day, my dad didn't listen to every album I purchased, but he knew not to let me buy it, if it had an explicit content thing on it.

The thing is, we need censorship. Ill just wait for someone else to describe to you why, Just feeling abit lazy right now.

Anyways, I think your being a bit extreme with the whole anti-censoring thing.
because we cant trust anyone, what so ever, without major scrutiny, to be competant with the information they are receiving.

Cuz we cant teach people how to build nuclear bombs, or supercomputers capable of hacking government networks.

the establishment and it's established control and power are more important than our access to information.

We also cannot allow the children to be corrupted by exposure to nudity and foul language and derrogitory music.

please note that i am being sarcastic and think censorship is another chain of bondage for the slave.

be a good slave, let us regulate what you are exposed to.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Censorship, in the case of the protective entity of government, insofar as it provides the security, welfare, and economies that its people requires, is necessary in order to keep the stability of that government within acceptable limits.

Censorship based on personal belief values, with a purely subjective and flawed understanding of what certain media will definitely do to a child, and what that media has been associated with, is a much more sensitive issue. On the one hand, I can understand that it may be attributed to such reasons as simple distaste for the media at hand, on the other hand I can understand that a parent would want to keep a child from being influenced by that media. I do see the problem, though, that is evident in the wholesale banning of media based on the influence it will have on children: that the parent is failing in its duty to educate the child and understand the child's world.

I won't say I'm against all censorship -- some people simply just cannot be allowed certain information because of the sensitive nature of the information, and the possibility of misuse and abuse of that information -- but certainly there needs to be more incentive placed on the parent to understand the child not as being just its child, but also as a person who lives in a very different environment.
In my view, govt. censorship = bad. However, if parents want to prevent their child from seeing/viewing shit then that's entirely up to them.
there are some parents out there who are overly protective of their children, but I agree, who really gives a crap? Everyone has to learn how gray life can be some point in their life. Why not expose them to it at a young age? make them more prepared. Although youd have to give them a talk first, so they don't run around public places talking about what they heard.
Ecophilosophical communism... whatever the hell that is... or Psychosolcialism...
I like the thing of preparing them, but I think it's better to let them enjoy the world of a child first. Then get to the real world. I, myself, am a child. I'm only 14 years old. I don't know how is the real world, and do not want to.

If I ever have a son, I'd make sure he is ready for the real world. I would give him freedom, as long as he uses it well. Sometimes my mother punishes me somehow, sometimes she doesn't. I even advice her on how to ground me.
She used to hit me, now she doesn't. I would never do anything back to her as long as she has a way to justify what she has done. She gives me a wide freedom, but it has a limit. If I cross it, I get punished. I think it's okay, as long as it doesn't involve any physical damage.

Originally Posted by pwned62 View Post
there are some parents out there who are overly protective of their children, but I agree, who really gives a crap? Everyone has to learn how gray life can be some point in their life. Why not expose them to it at a young age? make them more prepared. Although youd have to give them a talk first, so they don't run around public places talking about what they heard.

preparing our youth for reality far exceeds the importance of protecting their subjective "innocence".

in my eyes, ignorance does not equate innocence. in fact, more wrongdoing can be done by an ignorant person than an informed; it is that when a person lacks complete information that their actions become dangerous.

keeping us all ignorant to "protect us from ourselves" is flat out insulting.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
oh boy

here we go again, sure is conspiracy theorist up in here

What some of you fail to realize is that some children are immensly sensitive to whatever they watch/play/read/listen to/whatever. There's countless of examples, children shooting eachother, jumping out of windows, etc.

Not every child is intelligent enough to think 'oh, well this is tv/a game/just a song, it wouldn't be like this in real life.' On the contrary, most children are very easily influenced by the media.
And yes, I'm talking about young children, even though teenagers are usually influenced just as easily.
also lol (damnit why do all my posts in discussion end like this) 12 year olds going 'yea i dont like censorship its foor babys'
Talking about influence, do you know the wresling TV company, WWE?

Well, my brother is kinda fan of them, also are his friends. One day, 3 of them fought against my brother, and broke his back. Luckily, nothing too serious happened.

But that's just an example among a thousand things that must happen because of the media.