People worry to much about the value of colours in TC. Pick a colour you think looks sexy. I really like Void (happens to be expensive), Copper and Amber.

If you like Orc buy it. If not save a little TC and get something else. What is your favourite colour?
orc is a good color for new people because it's so incredibly cheap. it's usually looked down on but I have focus on orc in my set and I love it. ;3

If you're looking to buy and sell, then starting cheap is a step in the right direction. There is normally a demand for Orc as it's the first colour bought.
Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post
it's usually looked down on

i like orc, and it's awesome, so don't put words in my mouth...

Originally Posted by Assasin588 View Post
i have almost all orc things what else should i work on?

Get all things so you can earn Full Orc Achievement
Originally Posted by lampshade View Post
i like orc, and it's awesome, so don't put words in my mouth...

Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post

orc isn't a bad idea for a theme. go for it.