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Stephen Hawking declares aliens dangerous
British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking says aliens are out there, but it could be too dangerous for humans to interact with extraterrestrial life.

Hawking claims in a new documentary that intelligent alien lifeforms almost certainly exist, but warns that communicating with them could be "too risky."

The 68-year-old scientist says a visit by extraterrestrials to Earth would be like Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas, "which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."

He speculates most extraterrestrial life will be similar to microbes, or small animals - but adds advanced lifeforms may be "nomads, looking to conquer and colonize."

The Discovery Channel said Sunday it will broadcast "Stephen Hawking's Universe" in Britain next month.

LONDON (AFP) – Aliens may exist but mankind should avoid contact with them as the consequences could be devastating, British scientist Stephen Hawking warned Sunday.

"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," said the astrophysicist in a new television series, according to British media reports.

The programmes depict an imagined universe featuring alien life forms in huge spaceships on the hunt for resources after draining their own planet dry.

"Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach," warned Hawking.

The doomsday scenario is suggested in the series "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking" on the Discovery Channel, which began airing in the United States on Sunday.

On the probability of alien life existing, he says: "To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational.

"The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

Glowing squid-like creatures, herds of herbivores that can hang onto a cliff face and bright yellow predators that kill their prey with stinging tails are among the creatures that stalk the scientist's fantastical cosmos.

Mankind has already made a number of attempts to contact extraterrestrial civilisations.

In 2008, American space agency NASA beamed the Beatles song "Across the Universe" into deep space to send a message of peace to any alien that happens to be in the region of Polaris -- also known as the North Star -- in 2439.

But the history of humanity's efforts to contact aliens stretches back some years.

The US probes Pioneer 10 and 11 were launched in 1972 and 1973 bearing plaques of a naked man and woman and symbols seeking to convey the positions of the Earth and the Sun.

Voyager 1 and 2, launched in 1977, each carry a gold-plated copper phonogram disk with recordings of sounds and images on Earth.


Creds to huck for the 2nd one.

Last edited by Hyde; Apr 26, 2010 at 03:48 AM.
LONDON (AFP) – Aliens may exist but mankind should avoid contact with them as the consequences could be devastating, British scientist Stephen Hawking warned Sunday.

"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," said the astrophysicist in a new television series, according to British media reports.

The programmes depict an imagined universe featuring alien life forms in huge spaceships on the hunt for resources after draining their own planet dry.

"Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach," warned Hawking.

The doomsday scenario is suggested in the series "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking" on the Discovery Channel, which began airing in the United States on Sunday.

On the probability of alien life existing, he says: "To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational.

"The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

Glowing squid-like creatures, herds of herbivores that can hang onto a cliff face and bright yellow predators that kill their prey with stinging tails are among the creatures that stalk the scientist's fantastical cosmos.

Mankind has already made a number of attempts to contact extraterrestrial civilisations.

In 2008, American space agency NASA beamed the Beatles song "Across the Universe" into deep space to send a message of peace to any alien that happens to be in the region of Polaris -- also known as the North Star -- in 2439.

But the history of humanity's efforts to contact aliens stretches back some years.

The US probes Pioneer 10 and 11 were launched in 1972 and 1973 bearing plaques of a naked man and woman and symbols seeking to convey the positions of the Earth and the Sun.

Voyager 1 and 2, launched in 1977, each carry a gold-plated copper phonogram disk with recordings of sounds and images on Earth.

Here's another article concerning the matter:
"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," said the astrophysicist in a new television series, according to British media reports.

That has to be the most retarded sentiment in the history of retardation.

Seriously, where do they come up with this tripe?

And to think i used to think hawkins could prove to be respectable.

Look.... if there are any extra terrestrial lifeforms as intelligent as us, they are no more advanced than we are. if the ARE more advanced, then we would have met them by now. and possibly succumb to their will already.

OR maybe we already have, countless times i nteh past, and just edit those tidbits out of history.

Seriously, this entire topic is offensively ignorant.

All of reality can be observed within a grain of sand. if it there is not an example in nature, on earth, or our solar system, we wont find any similar examples out there anywhere else in space.

Take to this logically: IF there ARE alien lifeforms out there in the universe, they would be so alien to us that we would be utterly incapable of intellectual interaction.

ROCKS, for example. if you cant wrap your mind around that, then you are a fool to expect to see Klingons.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Originally Posted by SuicideDo View Post
That has to be the most retarded sentiment in the history of retardation.

Nice assessment of the most influential modern physicist

Look.... if there are any extra terrestrial lifeforms as intelligent as us, they are no more advanced than we are. if the ARE more advanced, then we would have met them by now. and possibly succumb to their will already.

How exactly does them necessarily meeting us by now follow from them being more advanced?

All of reality can be observed within a grain of sand.

No. it can't.

if it there is not an example in nature, on earth, or our solar system, we wont find any similar examples out there anywhere else in space.

Can you substantiate that claim?

Take to this logically: IF there ARE alien lifeforms out there in the universe, they would be so alien to us that we would be utterly incapable of intellectual interaction.

That's not taking to it logically.

ROCKS, for example. if you cant wrap your mind around that, then you are a fool to expect to see Klingons.

Did you just compare a rock to a living, sentient, intelligent creature?

Seriously, if you don't stop posting incoherent diarrhea of unsubstantiated ridiculous claims, this board just may become off-limits for you.
Last edited by Odlov; Apr 26, 2010 at 05:32 AM.
You honestly cannot wrap your mind around the concept of alternate lifeforms, communication forms, and life expressions?

Truly, if you cannot of an alien that is not humanoid or even animaloid, then you have no reason to be pondering hte concept of alien lifeforms in the first place.

I'll stop posting the idea, but only because you threatened me.

The idea is there, and you can either choose to entertain it, or ignore it. Ignorance is good for solving social conflict, not for determining the rationality of the universe.

a living, sentient, intelligent creature is ONLY DEFINED BY OUR OPINIONS. "our" opinion that intelligent lifeforms can only exist within the same parameters as our own body forms is ignorant.

OH PLEASE, that was entirely useless, not even able to inspire ideas or thoughts? terribly infraction worthy, no doubt. thanks Odlov, it's nice to know that you can respect alternative trains of thought.
Last edited by SuicideDo; Apr 26, 2010 at 05:32 AM.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Who here said anything about aliens necessarily being anthropomorphic? No one. You made a strawman and are now feverishly attacking it with your incoherent posts.

Bottom line is: if they had enough of an intellect to develop space-faring technology, it's only reasonable to assume they can communicate with us. It's not reasonable to assume they can't.

Now go away.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Who here said anything about aliens necessarily being anthropomorphic? No one. You made a strawman and are now feverishly attacking it with your incoherent posts.

Bottom line is: if they had enough of an intellect to develop space-faring technology, it's only reasonable to assume they can communicate with us. It's not reasonable to assume they can't.

Now go away.

so it's not at all reasonable to assume that their technology doesnt operate digitally or in any way compatibally with our own?

it is, thus, rational to assume that evolving "organic" space faring bodies is impossible?

You will hear no more from me on this topic, for i will be infraction (again) for providing counter-logic.

Thanks a ton.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Originally Posted by SuicideDo View Post
so it's not at all reasonable to assume that their technology doesnt operate digitally or in any way compatibally with our own?

Another strawman.
Do you honestly think that a species advanced to the point where they can cover millions of light years would be stopped by some meager communication barrier? They couldn't just "appear" before us? Doubtful.

it is, thus, rational to assume that evolving "organic" space faring bodies is impossible?

Wouldn't say impossible - but in the light of facts it appears as such.
Moreover, a planet with gravity and atmosphere would likely be lethal for a life form that has evolved to live in vacuum of space - unless it had technology to compensate for structure, in which case we are back to point one. This means a visit from such vacuum-faring unintelligent life is practically impossible.
Last edited by Odlov; Apr 26, 2010 at 06:09 AM.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Bottom line is: if they had enough of an intellect to develop space-faring technology, it's only reasonable to assume they can communicate with us. It's not reasonable to assume they can't.

To be fair, this connotes that the necessary technology to translate from 'Earthling' to 'Quixoan' (I dunno, random keystrokes, we'll pretend that's how we'd pronounce their name) is a prerequisite for intergalactic travel. It doesn't take into account that their scientists might not have considered, "Hey, we might not be completely alone out here, or at least so far removed that it's gonna be a long time before we meet other species out there. How about we work on this pressing problem before we take care of universal translations."

Of course, an advanced culture's scientists might not be so generalized, and there might be a specialist somewhere who went, "I have done it! I can translate any language into our own and vice-versa...all we need is to probe the backside of the species in question!"

Okay, that's facetious, but still...the entire thing is hard to wrap my head around.

Also, who is Stephen Hawking to say that aliens who find us will have the same colonial mindset that the Portuguese, French, Spanish, British, and Germans had? Perhaps they've already wrapped their mind around the idea of the culture shock of meeting another intelligent SPECIES, though less advanced, and have some sort of protocol to deal with it?
"Well, I don't want to leave you alone. I want you to get mad!"