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After life
Today after school my sister and I had an interesting conversation about the after life. So what do you guys think happens after you die? Do you come back as some one new, do you have to pass a test to get into heaven? Or Is it just darkness? I believe that after you die, you come back as anything being born at or close to the time you die. Discuss.
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... All cultures that I know have some sort of afterlife. Greek paganism had the underworld, Christians had heaven, hell, and purgatory. As being part of a culture, I beleive in it's afterlife... That's all I've got to say.
Go kick something
This is an interesting question, I taught about this a number of times. No one has yet figured out how the 'soul' that many people call it, works or where in the body it is. My brother had an idea of that the brain just fools you, to think that you actually are a person with a 'soul'.

Maybe the energy in you is the thing that makes you have a 'soul'. I am not religious just to clarify it. The three ideas I had was:

1. You just disappear from the world. Nothing more to see or hear.
2. You're energy ('soul') spreads out and finds different places to stay at. Or it just spreads out and keeps moving around in the world.
3. All your energy moves in a group to find another organism to live in.

The first option is probably the one I believe the most. The two other ones would be cool though.
"I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." - Mark Twain

That's what happens. Sensory input ends, brain is destroyed, and perception and experience ceases to exist. "You" disappear.
Anything else requires some very wild assumptions.
Originally Posted by flikrspeed View Post
... All cultures that I know have some sort of afterlife. Greek paganism had the underworld, Christians had heaven, hell, and purgatory. As being part of a culture, I believe in it's afterlife... That's all I've got to say.

so if i believe in Greek paganism i might go to Elysium,while if i believe in Christianity il go to paradise?and if i don't believe in nothing when i die il hear a voice saying "you imbecile!you will go to infinite darkness for not believing!you didn't go to church!you questioned god! darkness to you! "

so in ancient times,and that means before 2010 years,you would go nowhere just because you did not know god.

edit:do i need to tell you to see zeitgeist movie?
i think i do
As soon as you die you will find yourself in 19th century Luxembourg. I know this because I have done so many times.

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Last edited by Chac; May 14, 2010 at 12:47 PM.
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
so if i believe in Greek paganism i might go to Elysium,while if i believe in Christianity il go to paradise?and if i don't believe in nothing when i die il hear a voice saying "you imbecile!you will go to infinite darkness for not believing!you didn't go to church!you questioned god! darkness to you! "

so in ancient times,and that means before 2010 years,you would go nowhere just because you did not know god.

edit:do i need to tell you to see zeitgeist movie?
i think i do

Let me clarify... It is what my religion BELEIVES. I am not saying that there is, in fact, an afterlife. It is what I beleive
Go kick something
I don't believe that you just disappear. I believe in some kind of reincarnation, or even a place after life (like heaven). Had this conversation before with my brother.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
"I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." - Mark Twain

That's what happens. Sensory input ends, brain is destroyed, and perception and experience ceases to exist. "You" disappear.
Anything else requires some very wild assumptions.

I agree with this. It seems really sad, but it isn't, you won't even notice. Though I wouldn't mind believing in a heaven or something, that is way more satisfactory.
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