Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Determinists as Psychopaths
Consider the following:
If determinism is true, and free will is not, then morality and ethics are meaningless concepts. Morality and ethics require that a choice can be made in order for these concepts to have any meaning. But if a person has no choice, in the case of a deterministic world with no free will, then it does not make sense to say whether individuals can make more (or less) ethical or moral choices, because there are no options available to them except the one they must deterministically follow.

If the concepts of morality and ethics doesn't apply to an individual then they are, by definition, amoral.
My question to you; are all determinists psychopaths then?

One more thing;
Hi, Galt. Need more Qi ? Or would you like to buy a Lucky Dip?

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'sytsem' is annoying me. Someone fix it.
Only to those who do live with the concepts of "normal" morality and ethics, next to that someone who is amoral will probably still recognize the concepts in others, so would still be able to replicate behaviour to get optimal social benefits.

I think it all depends on which subjects someones attitude is amoral before you can individually judge him by the "normal" morals and ethics, or your very own. If those are thesame it is very easy.

So if you live in a deterministic world and your individual morals and ethics are aligned with the path you must follow the concepts should be able to exist.It would be a pain in the ass though if you can still experience those concepts when you must do what you do not agree with.

Though im not entirely sure about the definition of no freewill, to me no freewill does not mean you can no longer experience feelings of hate or love. But if no freewill would also mean no more individual feelings, then the concepts of morality and ethics are done for.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
Only to those who do live with the concepts of "normal" morality and ethics, next to that someone who is amoral will probably still recognize the concepts in others, so would still be able to replicate behaviour to get optimal social benefits.

I think it all depends on which subjects someones attitude is amoral before you can individually judge him by the "normal" morals and ethics, or your very own. If those are thesame it is very easy.

So if you live in a deterministic world and your individual morals and ethics are aligned with the path you must follow the concepts should be able to exist.It would be a pain in the ass though if you can still experience those concepts when you must do what you do not agree with.

What. The. Fuck.
All of that is just a lot of bullshit about nothing. Brevity is the soul of wit. Rephrase all of what you're trying to say there more succinctly if you want someone to be able to understand what you're talking about.
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
Though im not entirely sure about the definition of no freewill, to me no freewill does not mean you can no longer experience feelings of hate or love. But if no freewill would also mean no more individual feelings, then the concepts of morality and ethics are done for.

The correlation (and definitions thereof) between free will and ethics/morality is clearly explained in the first quote as well as the implications of aforementioned correlation.

What I'm asking is, seeing as how determinists by that rationale are amoral, does that consitute them as psychopaths?
Put an effort in understanding me Galt, Im not saying you are sprouting bullshit allover the place either, although that would be very easy as well. Instead of actually consiously reacting on what is being said.

The correlation (and definitions thereof) between free will and ethics/morality is clearly explained in the first quote as well as the implications of aforementioned correlation.

What I'm asking is, seeing as how determinists by that rationale are amoral, does that consitute them as psychopaths?

I answered this but you dont seem to accept my answer.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
No you didn't. Whats more, in your attempt at an explanation you completely destroyed the presmise's of amorality. Amorlity is non-ethics. Thus, even if you don't accept 'normal' ethics and morality, it is still amorality.
Get it?
Although determinists say there is no free will etc, this has no impact upon the concepts of morality and ethics. Why? Because if we cannot accurately predict or analyse someone to a level that is meaningful in this regard, then it doesn't matter at all.

I am tired so that sentence was a bit cluttered, but take an example instead;
We know that the speed of light can be manipulated, however we do not know exactly when or how or to what extent (inb4 SR, no gaiz, not SR). And so for now we just use the constant speed of light.
At best your deduction there is useful purely in theory.

Hence it would be silly to attempt to apply a purely theoretical concept such that you can label determinists psychopaths.
Furthermore, you should be saying "does that mean all people are psychopaths", and even more than that, you should be saying something along the lines of 'if we take determinst theory as truth then...'.

But I do think that the concept of a 'psychopath' becomes redundant when you remove ethics and morality.
No you didn't. Whats more, in your attempt at an explanation you completely destroyed the presmise's of amorality. Amorlity is non-ethics. Thus, even if you don't accept 'normal' ethics and morality, it is still amorality.
Get it?

If your presmise ( construct of your question ) is already full of holes how can my answer to only the question sufficient, you seem to think that the construct of you question was perfect and unquestionable yet it wasnt. And look at my first sentence of my first post. I did answer, you just dont like it.

And if i am able to destroy the presmise of amorallity that easy..

do you get it?
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Although determinists say there is no free will etc, this has no impact upon the concepts of morality and ethics. Why? Because if we cannot accurately predict or analyse someone to a level that is meaningful in this regard, then it doesn't matter at all.

I know several determinist that would disagree with you on that. As you well know, there are two types of things that act as 'causes' (so to speak) in determinism; the natural causes and the willpower causes. The determinists I know argue that all the shit in your brain shooting of in directions and whatnot (scientific aren't I) are the causes that make you think things. So effectively, with the choice in options being removed by the shooting electrons or whatever, you are removing the choice between right and wrong, and thus, making the concepts of morality and ethics irrelevant. That's basically what the quote is trying to say.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Hence it would be silly to attempt to apply a purely theoretical concept such that you can label determinists psychopaths.

I'm merely posing a question. Maybe I missed the point of your example, but I don't see how it's silly.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Furthermore, you should be saying "does that mean all people are psychopaths", and even more than that, you should be saying something along the lines of 'if we take determinst theory as truth then...'.

Agreed, however, I thought that that went without saying. Meh, it's 1:10 AM.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
But I do think that the concept of a 'psychopath' becomes redundant when you remove ethics and morality.

Of course, but, taking into account what I elaborated on above, it's no longer removed.
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
If your presmise ( construct of your question ) is already full of holes how can my answer to only the question sufficient, you seem to think that the construct of you question was perfect and unquestionable yet it wasnt. And look at my first sentence of my first post. I did answer, you just dont like it.

My response to that is the same that you've just quoted.
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
And if i am able to destroy the presmise of amorallity that easy..

Protip: Fucking up the understanding of a concept does not make you right.
Srsly, just gtfo SuicideDo.
By removing the choice between right and wring, and thus making the concepts of morality and ethics irrelevant do you not make the concept of a psychopath non-existent?

Without morality the psychopaths cannot exist :I You cannot lack something if there is nothing to lack.
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
By removing the choice between right and wring, and thus making the concepts of morality and ethics irrelevant do you not make the concept of a psychopath non-existent?

Ohho, they themselves may be amoral, but that doesn't mean the rest of society is. Thus, we are able to label them as amoral and as psychopaths.