Original Post
Hampa's Cleancap!!! Well, sorta...
Hey, hi everybody, how ya doin? Well, this is my second move here and, like my first one, this is not all mine... Got the idea form Hampa's Cleancap, you know, the one in the replays... Of course, don't expect the same move at all, I'm still a n00b and I don't know how to edit my moves propely so... Anyway, let's see the move...

- Press C.
- Raise shoulders, contract pecs, extend abs. 2 spaces.
- Lower shoulders, contract abs, hips and knees. 2 spaces.
- Hands into grab mode, raise shoulders, extend knees and hips. 1 space.
- Extend wraists, hands into punch mode. Press P.

And there you go... Yeah, I know, it doesn't seem like Hampa's cleancap at all... But is sort of a cleancap, right? ;)

Thanks for reading

Move: "TC's version of Hampa's Cleancap"
Idea from: "Cleancap", by Hampa.
Moves from: TC (me :P)
Special thanks to: Hampa, for creating such a cool move (and such a cool game ;))