Original Post
Just updated to 3.06 manually... (program crashing)
...since it turns out I was running like .01 or something thereabouts. And I'm having alot more issues with crashing than I had previously. I frequently end up having to end tb.exe to get the thing to work right.

And now it keeps just closing itself down when I try to go into replays... It also has a real bad habit of locking up whenever I reenter the replay section (first time with tb.exe running I usually have little problem, then the second time it'll lock itself up and then I have to end process)

Argh. And am also having lotsa problems with SP, as well...

(He sits grumbling...)
Last edited by Ineffable; Dec 15, 2007 at 05:39 PM.
"Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable."- Franz Kafka
This might be due to buggy replay files. I haven't experienced the problem myself, but you might want to try moving all of your replays to another folder and just opening them manually (double-click) when you want to watch them.

Edit: Along with that, there appear to be a few people who find that 3.06 in particular is causing a higher strain on their CPU/Graphics Card than earlier versions. This might be causing your crashes. I myself would be interested to know if anyone knows why this is and if there's a solution. The most obvious way to attempt to sort this out would be to close some nonessential programs (IRC, MSN, internet browser etc.) and see if that helps.

Specifically, what problems are you having with single player?
Last edited by 3vi1; Dec 15, 2007 at 06:40 PM. Reason: Added second bit.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."