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[ChainEvent] The birth of Tori
The birth of Tori


Have you ever thought about the origin of Tori?
Are you sometimes wondering where are all these Toris coming from? Is it a huge factory mass-producing them? Are they crafted by someone? Are they coming from another universe? No one knows it yet. But there are many theories...


Now you have to find out where all Toris are coming from, and why.
You'll have to create a piece of art that shows the origin of Tori.


Maximum of two entries
You'll have to post your creation in .jpg or .png or .gif format. No other formats. Maximum size is 1024x768 pixels
The image has to be created by you
If you have used a reference, you'll have to give link to the reference
The deadline it 10th of June. You shall not post any entries after that


1st: 30k
2nd: 20k
3rd: 10k

Judging criteria:

Overall look



This event is part of Muffindo's Chain Event!

Thanks for all participants!
Last edited by Pate5; May 28, 2010 at 05:57 PM. Reason: Fixing
Texturing tutorial
No requests please
Here's my entry. I always imagined tori's as a von neumann machine kind of thing. (go to: for von neumann definition)
And a direct link for better quality:
Attached Images
tori maker.jpg (12.5 KB, 134 views)
Ethereal Demise means otherworldly death. Just so you know.
Originally Posted by Pate5 View Post
The birth of Tori

The deadline it 10th of July.

This event is part of Muffindo's Chain Event!

Thanks for all participants!

if I'm not mistaken, shouldn't the deadline be in June?

I'm in
Originally Posted by Pate5 View Post
You shall not post any entries before that

and don't you mean after not before?

so doing this
Yes, I meant June. And yes, I meant after. Looks like I can't type... Thanks for pointing my mistakes out.
Texturing tutorial
No requests please
i am so glad 8oj4n is a judge. if he was entering id just leave this thread now. also, since we can haz two entries, can they be completely different origins? or do they have to be the same?