Original Post
Clan War Teams
So as you guys know the clan war will be in tk, aikido and wushu. We need to set up teams of 3 apparently. I figure this is gonna be kind of a pain
in the ass to set up so let's get all our info together quickly so we have more time to organize. That said, how about everybody participating in the
clan war post here and name your first choice of mod (the mod you most want to play) and second choice (a mod you wouldn't mind playing if you
weren't able to get your favorite mod).

I'll use mine as an example:

First choice: Aikido
Second choice: Taekkyon

If somebody has a better way of organizing this then I'm all for it, but I think this should work. And seeing as how getting the entire clan together at
one time to talk about who is placed where is VERY unlikely and impractical. We'll probably need somebody to collect everybody's mod choices and
make the teams (which would have to be agreed upon by everyone of course..). If somebody's itching to do that then knock yourself out lol, but
if that's not the case then I'm willing to do it.

Also, it would be helpful if you didn't post here if you can't make it to the clan war.
My shop
First aikido
Second Wushu, though I'm not very good.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
I'll lead team Aikido
guys find me online, I'll make a 42 clan server with aikido as the mod.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
first choice:taekkyon
second choice:aikido

i will be back in kansas on
the 20th, which is the date
of the clan war i believe, so
i will be able to participate