Original Post
[T3AL] Video Part #4: Reincarnation
for this part of the video, you are allowed to edit and post changed versions of divium, seeing as it has a high chance of winning the poll. the best edition (as decided by me, gorman, stupinator, and dragoblade) will be used to write the script for the video itself. here are the rules:

1: no name changes other than perhaps nicknames
2: no change of physical appearance is allowed. you may change their clothes to fit your idea
3: all edits must be clearly visible, preferably in a color other than black
4: you must provide a basic summary of the setting, specifically time and world name
5: good/evil allegiances must be kept as is. if you are not sure of someones allegiance, feel free to make them however you want
6: feel free to add things, like nicknames or characters, if needed