Original Post
war with aliens
So I was playing today with a bunch of Aliens
and I invited them to a war.
We need to agree on:


I invited them to invade this thread so we can come to an agreement on these three things
wishful eyes deceive me
Well, our clan agrees about the clan war.
Suggest your mods, time and ofc prizes.
I suggest first to decide about the time, missuse said that it would be likely if we play it on the next weekend.
Our thread about this cw in our forum:
Btw we suggest 30k bet and as a mod - lenshu.
Think about playing at Friday.
Last edited by Malphas; Jul 24, 2010 at 09:28 PM.
I'll break you a hundred different ways...
i suggest to do this war in 3 mods,the first team that win 2 mods win the war
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
i would say 50k is a good price
for me it would be cool to have the war at night
i only play aikido or may a 3 mod war with aikido in it cause i think we got very good other players in the other mods
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
yea, malphas is right - every duel and clanwar are only in aikido...
lets play wushu, guys! i know that missuse likes this mod, i know that kas can play well.. so can i.

guys, what do u think about academy clanwar? we have 2 academycs - kasz and i. may we play our first clanwar against aliens? make bets not high. let us play and gain expirience.