Original Post
[Survey]Member information
Well, I made a thread like this months ago, but I think only me and Ruadhan are still here out of all the members then, so I may as well make another one. Basically, I want a database of the information of all the members of our clan.

Real name:
Country of origin:
Hobbies and interests:
Any games you play outside of toribash:
*Bank details:
Lol jokes

*These fields are compulsory. ;)

Anyways, here's mine:

Real name: Sam Kibble
Country of origin: England
Age: 15
Hobbies and interests: Rowing, writing stories and poetry, piano, trumpet, running, cycling, girls and toribash
Any other games you play outside of toribash: I used to play Ogame, and I play a lot of xbox 360 games
Bank details: I'd rather not...
Last edited by BirdFlu; Aug 2, 2010 at 10:27 AM.
Quit, probably.
Real name: Orfeas
Country of origin: Greece
Age: 13
Hobbies and interests: Playing PC games, computering, drawing
Any games you play outside of toribash: Volleyball
*Bank details: Wat
Real name: Charlie Biddiscombe
Country of origin: England
Age: 1337
Hobbies and interests: Football, basketball, Video games, Drawing.
Any games you play outside of toribash: Basketball
*Bank details: lel
MGUNIT: I Dunno What IRC Is?
[Gay4Daxx] [Omega] [AM]
Real name: Triston Johnson
Country of origin: USA
Age: 14
Hobbies and interests: Drums, and fingeboarding
Any games you play outside of toribash: GTA4 Forza Motorsport 2
*Bank details: Don't know how to get to those
Triston, SICK name bro.
Fingerboarding? sounds cool
MGUNIT: I Dunno What IRC Is?
[Gay4Daxx] [Omega] [AM]
Sounds cool =) You should get forza motorsport 3, it's 10x better.
Quit, probably.
Played that, amazing graphics etc
MGUNIT: I Dunno What IRC Is?
[Gay4Daxx] [Omega] [AM]