Original Post
[3d] Happy gunner (WIP)

Figuring out materials/lighting and maybe some extra details. Maybe some time I will make a walk cycle or something out of it too.
you have a weird mixture of high poly and low poly :S

Personally I would remove lots of the extra crap and make it low poly.

It looks cute :3
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
That engine looks impressive! You really get the 'dirty' and oily look wich is about right for aircraft engines. They might need a bit of detailing in the way of oil and fuel lines or electrical wiring.
I really love the look of feet and face material. Gun itself looks a bit plain. I dont know much about 3d modelling but its damn cool
some progress

Still having a hard time adjusting depth of field and finding a background that fits.
Lighting still looks like shit :P
Is this A blender? Because it's really nice I love it the way you detailed the rust and the barrel of the guns.
but you need to sort out the background and floor.
texturing is original, (at least for the front "screen", nice scrawled on buttons")

as it stands, the base model looks good and finished (can has wireframe/flat shaded screens?), apart from the wires and tubes. they look slapped on

texturing still needs some spit'n'polish (mapping on the legs and feet comes to mind)

here are some references for the weathered wood parts. notice where the parts are weathered and where dirt is deposited.

i like going to garage sales or to exhibits or antique shops and look at old toys.

Good start with this man
Thanks for the good advices

Here is the raw perspective drawing btw-
but I took certain freedoms.

Last edited by Ezeth; Dec 10, 2010 at 05:39 PM.