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[TEX] :P
Wip number UNO

WIP number two

Wip number trio

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tell me what to improve
Last edited by aerox21; Dec 10, 2010 at 02:41 PM.
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Very blocky and unrealistic.
I know you're gunnin' for cartoony but try to keep it a bit logical.
The tongue is way to square and I really think you should blur out the highlights.
I'd also move everything a little bit lower. Nose could use some more depth.

Still a very early WIP..
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
It's Ok,
but like what alpha said is completely true the lines are blocky and not realistic also i dont like the fact that your head is not up to your standard but it's ok if your going for a cartoon look i'm excited to see how this will turn out.
a bunch of transparent pen shapes on top of each other does not look anything like hair and ruins the cartoony look. Plain red hair would be much better than this.
I liked it a lot more without the hair, 'emo' heads are too overdone.

Take the hair off and go from there.
Or at least change the hair up a bit to make it less generic.

And as Ezeth said, the transparent pentool shapes on the top are unappealing.

I like the nose, but the eyes could be done a bit better IMO. I think that the mouth is fine but the way the teeth fade out on the side looks unnatural.