Original Post
[REL]Parkour Trianing : FUN !
Hello again !

I have put aside my brutal mods to try my hand at Parkour

Now these are a couple training mods to help practice your
climbing, jumping and your sense of style so you can strut your stuff in those crazy parkour mods.


Tree Climbing

Alright Tarzan ... think your king of the jungle eh?

this is mod is alot of fun by the way

so what you got is two players , one slides down the branch to make his way to the top platform

The opponent sets up his defence position by climbing to the best spot to stop you dead in your tracks

What for? you may ask , well see that shiney red ball up there?, thats your objective . but to get that ball you must break balls first hahahaha

so get your monkey on and GET THAT BALL



This one is alittle more tricky , you have to run this time but still is ideal for a good fight OR just messing around with freinds

This one speaks for itself so theres no need to give a big discription

Grab a bar ...climb , run up the wall ... jump

Do what makes you feel good

Those with more experience with parkour and free running will fall in love with this , just think of what is possible here hehehe

Oh by the way , I create mods of all sorts and make them personalized for thoes who wish to have one made .

So basicly i make mods for tc , this ranges from 2000 to 15000 tc , depending on how detailed it may be .

so send me a msg to my inbox if you wish to have one to call your own .

Now on a more serious note , this is regarding the new mods not being able to load in multiplayer even tho they have been uploaded . ( ya know , when you change a mod but it stays with the one your currently playing )

I have personaly chatted with the support team and hampa_

The issue is there is no more room for new mods ,
There is about 1000 or so mods and theres no more room for the good ones unfortunatly

so i suggest the realy crappy ones be removed , i mean the realy crap-tacular mods that no one likes or noting has been done to them.

Make a list of mods that are usless and horrible , talk to some people and let them know what the issue is and let me know what you find .

DONT gie me mods that you personaly dont like ,ONLY ones that dont deserve to be on toribash ( like MY FIRST MOD.tbm and all that crap )
Attached Files
mg_pk_bars.tbm (3.0 KB, 107 views)
mg_TreeClimber.tbm (3.1 KB, 131 views)