Original Post
[R]A Pic
for a good pic / 3D maker, pls make this,
well its simple, i want my tori, /dl and /lp me to see
add a wings like this

i want the wings, and the sword ( just one on right hand )
i want it seen on shaders

willin to pay 1k - 10k, or more if it better, less if the best entry is not to good

~kk thx
ok 1 more question before i get the real work started what color do you want the wings/sword?

well here is a quick mock up of the wings.
Last edited by hhu80; Jan 10, 2011 at 11:07 PM.
ok made it darker and did some detail work on the right wing.

let me know if the wings need to be darker.
ohh hell no i didnt.

look closer all of that was hand done. i dont use crap filters.

(blur tool) for the shadows.

Edit An update on the other wing.
Last edited by hhu80; Jan 17, 2011 at 03:44 AM.