Original Post
Best Madman replay Event
(keep in mind this is my first event so prize isnt the best)

just read some of the rules again this event is probably not allowed closing (pm me if it is allowed)

Well im pretty sure some people are really good at madmans why not enter this tourny to show ur skills
im holding an event where the winner gets the QS force
to enter the event u must pay 5k and the event will only start when at least 20 members are in it. To enter first 20 people to post here will get a spot in the tourny and after all 20 are in they send 5k to me for the event to start.

so basicly this event is the best madman replay
you post you madman replays i will judge them by,
how stylish(good looking)
points(not much this)
pose(and how long u can keep it)
those are main things i will judge by.
mods allowed only classic but allowed to change distance and frames(nothing else)

No stealing replays
Must be New replays for this event(none that are made before this)

if not enough people join i will cancel event for now and maybe try with a different approach.
Last edited by Snook; Jan 13, 2011 at 02:12 AM.